Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Meera Bai was one of the foremost exponents of the Prem Bhakti (Divine Love) and an inspired poetess. She sang in vraja-bhasha, sometimes mixed with Rajasthani, in praise of Giridhara Gopala (Shri Krishna), her lord for whom she developed in her heart the most intense love and devotion and thus sang "Meera ke Prabhu Giridhara Naagar...."
Mira Bai was born in 1504 AD at Chaukari village in Merta District of Rajasthan. Merta was a small state in Marwar, Rajasthan ruled by the Ranthors, great devotees of Vishnu. Her father, Ratan Singh, was the second son of Rao Duda ji, a descendent of Rao Jodha ji Rathor, the founder of Jodhpur. Mira Bai was raised and nurtured by her grandfather. As customary with royal families, her education included knowledge of scriptures, music, archery, fencing, horseback riding and driving chariots – she was also trained to wield weapons in case of a war. However, MiraBai also grew up amidst an atmosphere of total Krishna consciousness, which was responsible in molding her life in the path of total devotion towards Lord Krishna.
When she was just four years of age, she manifested her deep devotion to Krishna. MiraBai watched a marriage procession in front of her residence. Mira Bai, the child, spotted the well-dressed bridegroom and asked her mother innocently, "Dear mother, who will be my bridegroom?" Mira Bai’s mother smiled, and half in jest and half in earnest, pointed towards the image of Sri Krishna and said, "My dear Mira, Lord Krishna - this beautiful fellow – is going to be your bridegroom". Soon after, Mira Bai’s mother passed away. As MiraBai grew up, her desire to be with her Krishna grew intensely and she believed that Lord Krishna would come to marry her. In due course, she became firmly convinced that Krishna was to be her husband.
Mira Bai was soft-spoken, mild-mannered, gifted, sweet, and sang with a melodious voice. She was reputed to be one of the most extraordinary beauties of her time with fame spreading to several kingdoms and provinces. Her fame spread far and wide. Rana Sangram Singh, commonly known as Rana Sangha, the powerful King of Mewar, approached Rao Duda for MiraBai’s hand in marriage to his son Bhojraj (also known as Rana Kumbha or Kumbha Rana). Bhojraj wanted to marry Mira Bai for her pious nature and divine intent. Rao Duda agreed to the union. However, Mira Bai could not bear the thought of marrying a human being when her heart was filled with thoughts of every nature, all about her Krishna. But unable to go against her beloved grandfather's words, she finally consented to the marriage. MiraBai was wedded to Rana Kumbha in 1513, before she turned 14. As ordained, MiraBai was dutiful. She left for (Chittorgarh) Mewar with the Rana Kumbha.
After her household duties were over, Meera would go to the temple of Lord Krishna, worship, sing and dance before Lord Krishna Idol daily. Kumbha Rana’s mother and other ladies of the palace did not like the ways of Mira Bai, as they were worldly-minded and jealous. Mira Bai’s mother-in-law forced her to worship Durga and admonished her often. But Mira Bai maintained, "I have already given up my life to my beloved Lord Krishna". Mira Bai’s sister-in-law Udabai formed a conspiracy and began to defame the innocent Meera. She informed Rana Kumbha that Meera was in secret love with some one, that she witnessed Meera talking to her lover(s) in the temple, and that she would show him the persons if he would accompany her one night. The ladies further raved that Mira Bai, by her conduct, had brought a great slur on the reputation of the Rana family of Chittor. The enraged Kumbha ran with sword in hand towards Mira, but as luck would have it Mira had gone to her Krishna temple. A sober relative of the Rana counseled him, "Rana! You will forever repent for your hasty behavior and consequences. Enquire into the allegation carefully and you will find the truth. Mira bai is a great devotee of the Lord. Remember why you sought her hand. Out of sheer jealousy the ladies might have concocted scandals against Mira Bai to incite you and ruin her". Kumbha calmed down and accompanied his sister who persistently took him to the temple at dead of night. Rana Kumbha broke open the door, rushed inside and found Mira alone in her ecstatic mood talking and singing to the idol.
The Rana shouted at Mira, "Mira, show me your lover with whom you are talking now". Mira replied, "There sits He—my Lord—the Nanichora who has stolen my heart". She went into a trance. The ladies floated other rumors that Meera was mixing very freely with Sadhus. Mira was unaffected by such scandals and continued to invite Bhagavathas to join her in Krishna bhajan at the temple. She stood unruffled in the face of accusations from the royal family. When questioned about her marital responsibilities, Mira responded that it was Krishna to whom she was married. Kumbha Rana was heart-broken but remained a good husband and sympathizer of Mira until his death.
Rana’s relatives began persecuting Meera in various ways, even though Mira had no desire for the throne. Mira was sent a basket with a cobra inside and a message that the basket contained a garland of flowers. Mira, after meditation, opened the basket and found inside a lovely idol of Sri Krishna with a garland of flowers. The relentless Rana (her brother-in-law) sent her a cup of poison with the message that it was nectar. Mira offered it to her Lord Krishna and took it as His Prasad. It was real nectar to her. The bed of nails that the Rana sent transformed into a bed of roses when Mira reposed on it.
When the torture and scandals continued, Mira sent a letter to Goswami Tulsidas and asked for his advice. She wrote, "Simply because I am constantly tortured by my relatives, I cannot abandon my Krishna. I am unable to carry on with my devotional practices in the palace. I have made Giridhar Gopala my friend from my very childhood. I feel a total bondage with him. I cannot break that bond".
Tulsidasji sent a reply: "Abandon those who cannot understand you and who do not worship Rama or Syama, even though they are your dearest relatives. Prahlada abandoned his father; Vibhishana left his brother Ravana; Bharata deserted his stepmother; Bali forsook even his Guru; the Gopasthrees, the women of Vraja, disowned their husbands to get to their Krishna. Their lives were all the happier for having done so. The relation with God and the love of God are the only elements that are true and eternal; all other relationships are unreal and temporary". Mira met up once again with her Guru and mentor Raidas, who is said to have lived to a ripe age of 118 years. She went into the slums often to be in the satsang of this great teacher. This was the impetus and inspiration behind the many queries and controversies that she raised about Kulam in her songs.
The turning point in Mirabai’s life occurred when once Akbar and his court musician Tansen came in disguise to Chittor to hear Meera’s devotional and inspiring songs. Both entered the temple and listened to Mira’s soul - stirring songs to their heart’s content. Before he departed, he touched the holy feet of Mira and placed a necklace of priceless gems in front of the idol as a present. Somehow the news reached the Kumbha Rana that Akbar had entered the sacred temple in disguise, touched the feet of Mirabai and even presented her a necklace. The Rana became furious. He told Mira bai, "Drown yourself in the river and never show your face to the world in future. You have brought great disgrace on my family".
Mira bai obeyed the words of King. She proceeded to the river to drown herself. The names of the Lord "Govinda, Giridhari, Gopala" were always on her lips. She sang and danced in ecstasy on her way to the river. When she raised her feet from the ground, a hand from behind grasped her and embraced her. She turned behind and saw her beloved Giridhari. She fainted on him. After a few minutes she opened her eyes. Lord Krishna smiled and gently whispered: "My dear Mira, your life with your mortal relatives is over now. You are absolutely free. Be cheerful. You are and have always been mine."
Mira walked barefoot on the hot sandy beds of Rajasthan. On her way, many ladies, children and devotees received her with great hospitality. She reached Brindavan (or Vrindaban). It was at Brindavan that she again met and was inspired by Sant Raidas. She went about Brindavan doing Oonchavritti and worshipped in the Govinda Mandir which has since become famous and is now a great place of pilgrimage for devotees from all over the world.
A repentant Kumbha came to Vrindavan to see Mira and prayed that he may be forgiven for all his previous wrongs and cruel deeds. He begged that Mira return to the kingdom and assume her role as the queen once more. Mira said to Rana that Krishna is only one King and my life belongs to him. The Kumbha Rana, for the first time, truly understood Mira’s exalted state of mind and prostrated before her in reverence. He then promptly left Vrindavan a changed soul.
Jiva Gosain was the head of the Vaishnavites in Brindavan. Mira wanted to have Darshan of Jiva Gosain. He declined to see her. He sent word to Mira that he would not allow any woman in his presence. Mira bai retorted: "Everybody in Brindavan is a woman. Only Giridhar Gopala is Purusha. Today only I have come to know that there is another Purusha besides Krishna in Brindavan". Jiva Gosain was put to shame. He at once went to see Mira and paid her due respects.
Mira’s fame spread far and wide. She was immersed in satsang day in and out. At the request of Kumbha Rana, Mira returned to Mewar and Kumbha agreed to her request that she would reside in the temple of Krishna but would not restrict her movements and wanderings. From Mewar, she once again returned to Brindavan, and then went on to Dwaraka. The King went with her.
On Krishna’s Janmashtami at the temple of Krishna, there was much happiness all around in the abode of the Lord. The light of the lamps, the sound of the bhajans and the energy from the devotees’ ecstacy were filling the air. With Tamburi in one hand and cymbals or chipla in the other the great tapasvini was singing ecstatically with her Gopala smiling in front of her with closed eyes. Mira stood up and danced with her song ‘Mere Janama Maran ke sathee’, and when the song ended, Kumbha gently approached her and requested her to come back. Mira said, ‘Ranaji, the body is yours and you are a great devotee, but my mind, emotions and the soul are all his. I do not know what use am I to you at this state of mind’. Kumbha was moved and he started singing with her in unison. Mira rose up abruptly, stumbled and fell at the flowers on the feet of Giridhari. ‘Oh, Giridhari, are you calling me, I am coming’. When Kumbha and the rest were watching in awe, there was a lightning which enveloped Meera and the sanctum doors closed on their own. When the doors opened again, Meera’s saree was enveloping Lord Krishna’s idol and her voice and the flute accompaniment were the only sounds that could be heard.
So many princesses and queens have come and gone. So many princesses, and queens have appeared on the stage of this world and vanished. How is it that the queen of Chittor alone is still remembered? Is this on account of her beauty? Is this on account of her poetic skill? No. It is on account of her renunciation, single-minded devotion to Lord Krishna and the self-realization. She conversed with Krishna. She ate with Krishna, her Beloved. She drank the Krishna-premarasa. She sang from the core of her heart about her unique spiritual experiences. She was indeed one of the foremost embodiments of Premabhakthi that ever walked on earth.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Rameshwaram - The Theerthams of the Temple inside the Corridor and their significance
Lord Raamanathaswamy Kovil, Raameshwaram, Bhaarath - Inside Theertham

1. Mahalakshmi Theertham :
Location : South of the Hanuman Temple.
Significance : Dharmarajan bathed here and became rich.
2. Savithri Theertham :
Location : West of the Hanuman Temple.
Significance : King Kasibar got rid of his curse.
3. Gayathri Theertham :
Location : West of the Hanuman Temple.
Significance : King Kasibar got rid of his curse.
4. Saraswathi Theertham :
Location : West of the Hanuman Temple.
Significance : King Kasibar got rid of his curse.
5. Sethu Madhava Theertham :
Location : The Tank at the third corridor.
Significance : One will get lakshmi's blessings and purification of heart.
6. Gandhamadana Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : One will get riches and their sins will be absolved after getting rid of their penury.
7. Kavatcha Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : One will not go to hell.
8. Gavaya Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : Shelter under karpaga Virutchaga Tree.
9. Nala Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : One will get Soorya Thejas and reach Heaven.
10. Neela Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : One will get the benefit of Samastha(entire) yaga and receive Agni Yoga.
11. Sanku Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Vathsanaba, the Sage, got rid of his sin of ingratitude.
12. Sakkara Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : The Sun got His hand turned golden.
13. Brahmahathi Vimochana Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Brahamahathi was absolved of his sins.
14. Sooriya Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : One will get the knowledge of the past present and the future and reach the worlds they want.
15. Chandra Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : One will get the knowledge of the past present and the future and reach the worlds they want.
16. Ganga Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Gananasuruthi Rajah attained wisdom.
17. Yamuna Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Gananasuruthi Rajah attained wisdom.
18. Gaya Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Gananasuruthi Rajah attained wishdom.
19. Siva Theertham :
Location : South of nandi Deva in the Temple.
Significance : Completion of Bhaira Brahmahathi.
20. Sadyamirtha Theertham :
Location : In the Amman Sannathi.
Significance : Emperor Bururoonu got rid of his curse.
21. Sarva Theertham :
Location : In front of Lord Ramanatha's sannathi.
Significance : Sutharishna got rid of his blindness(from birth), illness and old age and then he prospered.
22. Koti Theertham :
Location : In the first corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Sri Krishna got rid of his Sin of killing his Uncle, Kamsan.

1. Mahalakshmi Theertham :
Location : South of the Hanuman Temple.
Significance : Dharmarajan bathed here and became rich.
2. Savithri Theertham :
Location : West of the Hanuman Temple.
Significance : King Kasibar got rid of his curse.
3. Gayathri Theertham :
Location : West of the Hanuman Temple.
Significance : King Kasibar got rid of his curse.
4. Saraswathi Theertham :
Location : West of the Hanuman Temple.
Significance : King Kasibar got rid of his curse.
5. Sethu Madhava Theertham :
Location : The Tank at the third corridor.
Significance : One will get lakshmi's blessings and purification of heart.
6. Gandhamadana Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : One will get riches and their sins will be absolved after getting rid of their penury.
7. Kavatcha Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : One will not go to hell.
8. Gavaya Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : Shelter under karpaga Virutchaga Tree.
9. Nala Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : One will get Soorya Thejas and reach Heaven.
10. Neela Theertham :
Location : In the area of the Sethumadhava Temple.
Significance : One will get the benefit of Samastha(entire) yaga and receive Agni Yoga.
11. Sanku Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Vathsanaba, the Sage, got rid of his sin of ingratitude.
12. Sakkara Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : The Sun got His hand turned golden.
13. Brahmahathi Vimochana Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Brahamahathi was absolved of his sins.
14. Sooriya Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : One will get the knowledge of the past present and the future and reach the worlds they want.
15. Chandra Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : One will get the knowledge of the past present and the future and reach the worlds they want.
16. Ganga Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Gananasuruthi Rajah attained wisdom.
17. Yamuna Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Gananasuruthi Rajah attained wisdom.
18. Gaya Theertham :
Location : In the inner corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Gananasuruthi Rajah attained wishdom.
19. Siva Theertham :
Location : South of nandi Deva in the Temple.
Significance : Completion of Bhaira Brahmahathi.
20. Sadyamirtha Theertham :
Location : In the Amman Sannathi.
Significance : Emperor Bururoonu got rid of his curse.
21. Sarva Theertham :
Location : In front of Lord Ramanatha's sannathi.
Significance : Sutharishna got rid of his blindness(from birth), illness and old age and then he prospered.
22. Koti Theertham :
Location : In the first corridor of the Temple.
Significance : Sri Krishna got rid of his Sin of killing his Uncle, Kamsan.
Sree Mahaa Ganesha Pancharathnam - in Sanskrit with meanings in English
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaraachaarya ~ रचन: आदि शङ्कराचार्य
मुदा करात्त मोदकं सदा विमुक्ति साधकम् ।कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोक रक्षकम् ।अनायकैक नायकं विनाशितेभ दैत्यकम् ।नताशुभाशु नाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम् ॥ 1 ॥
नतेतराति भीकरं नवोदितार्क भास्वरम् ।नमत्सुरारि निर्जरं नताधिकापदुद्ढरम् ।सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरम् ।महेश्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम् ॥ 2 ॥
समस्त लोक शङ्करं निरस्त दैत्य कुञ्जरम् ।दरेतरोदरं वरं वरेभ वक्त्रमक्षरम् ।कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करम् ।मनस्करं नमस्कृतां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम् ॥ 3 ॥
अकिञ्चनार्ति मार्जनं चिरन्तनोक्ति भाजनम् ।पुरारि पूर्व नन्दनं सुरारि गर्व चर्वणम् ।प्रपञ्च नाश भीषणं धनञ्जयादि भूषणम् ।कपोल दानवारणं भजे पुराण वारणम् ॥ 4 ॥
नितान्त कान्ति दन्त कान्ति मन्त कान्ति कात्मजम् ।अचिन्त्य रूपमन्त हीन मन्तराय कृन्तनम् ।हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योगिनाम् ।तमेकदन्तमेव तं विचिन्तयामि सन्ततम् ॥ 5 ॥
महागणेश पञ्चरत्नमादरेण योஉन्वहम् ।प्रजल्पति प्रभातके हृदि स्मरन् गणेश्वरम् ।अरोगतामदोषतां सुसाहितीं सुपुत्रताम् ।समाहितायु रष्टभूति मभ्युपैति सोஉचिरात् ॥
1. Ganesha, the pleasant faced one holding the sweet ‘modakam’ in his hand,He wears the crescent moon on his head. He liberates us from misery,protects and provides direction to those who are lost without a leader. He removes the obstacles for those who pray to him. My salutations are to Him!
2. Ganesha, with the orange glow of the rising sun, is the commander of Lord Shiva’s army. He removes the suffering of his devotees.I seek refuge in Him!
3. Ganesha brings peace to the entire world.He is large, infinite, superior and immutable. He is merciful and forgiving.He brings happiness, success and purity of mind. My salutations are to Ganesha, the luminous.
4. Ganesha, the merciful, who removes the suffering of those who have no other refuge, destroys the demonic forces and negative tendencies in us. He dissolves the delusions of this illusory world. I pray to Him the one venerated in the ancient Vedas!
5. Ganesha, the one with the broken tusk, the son of Lord Shiva, he is the formless absolute (his form is beyond the grasp of the intellect), he is infinite, he is the Remover of Obstacles, he lives in the hearts of yogis forever and ever.I reflect solely upon Ganesha, forever and ever.

|| Let the peace prevail with everyone and everywhere||
Friday, July 4, 2014
hanumanai anudinam ninai manamE - Anumanai Anudinam ninai maname...._/\_ Swami Surajananda's composition அனுமனை அனுதினம்..... சுவாமி சுரஜானந்தா அவர்களின் பாடல்
Anumanai Anudinam ninai maname...._/\_
Swami Surajananda's composition
அனுமனை அனுதினம்.....
rAgA madhuvanti
ராகம் மதுவந்தி
௧. ஹனுமனை அனுதினம் நினை மனமே
விதிவினை மறைந்திடும் இது நிஜமே
(rAgA: bAgEshrI)
ராகம் பாகேஸ்வரி
2: dinam dinam tavarugaL sheiginrOm
தினம் தினம் தவறுகள் செய்கின்றோம்
manam guNam mAriyE naDakkinrOm
மனம் குணம் மாரியே நடக்கின்றோம்
paNam maNam enrE tavikkinrOm
பணம் மணம் என்றே தவிக்கின்றோம்
guNanidhi hanumanai marakkinrOm
குணநிதி ஹனுமானை மறக்கின்றோம்
(rAgA: sindhubhairavi)
ராகம் சிந்து பைரவி
3: bhaktikku mudaliDam tandavan
பக்திக்கு முதலிடம் தந்தவன்
satthiya rAmanaik-kavarndavan
ஸத்திய ராமனைக் கவர்ந்தவன்
bhaktarin uLLattil niraindavan
பக்தரின் உள்ளத்தில் நிறைந்தவன்
bhaktiyin tilakamAi uyarndavan
பக்தியின் திலகமாய் உயர்ந்தவன்
(rAgA: rEvati)
ராகம் ரேவதி
4: rAma rAma ena bhajippavan
ராம ராம என பஜிப்பவன்
rAman sEvaiyai rasippavan
ராமன் சேவையை ரசிப்பவன்
rAma nAmattai pusippavan
ராம நாமத்தை புசிப்பவன்
rAma pAdattil vasippavan
ராம பாதத்தில் வசிப்பவன்
Links :
Swami Surajananda's composition
அனுமனை அனுதினம்.....
சுவாமி சுரஜானந்தா அவர்களின் பாடல்
rAgA madhuvanti
ராகம் மதுவந்தி
1: hanumanai anudinam ninai manamE
vidhivinai maraindiDum idu nijamE௧. ஹனுமனை அனுதினம் நினை மனமே
விதிவினை மறைந்திடும் இது நிஜமே
(rAgA: bAgEshrI)
ராகம் பாகேஸ்வரி
2: dinam dinam tavarugaL sheiginrOm
தினம் தினம் தவறுகள் செய்கின்றோம்
manam guNam mAriyE naDakkinrOm
மனம் குணம் மாரியே நடக்கின்றோம்
paNam maNam enrE tavikkinrOm
பணம் மணம் என்றே தவிக்கின்றோம்
guNanidhi hanumanai marakkinrOm
குணநிதி ஹனுமானை மறக்கின்றோம்
(rAgA: sindhubhairavi)
ராகம் சிந்து பைரவி
3: bhaktikku mudaliDam tandavan
பக்திக்கு முதலிடம் தந்தவன்
satthiya rAmanaik-kavarndavan
ஸத்திய ராமனைக் கவர்ந்தவன்
bhaktarin uLLattil niraindavan
பக்தரின் உள்ளத்தில் நிறைந்தவன்
bhaktiyin tilakamAi uyarndavan
பக்தியின் திலகமாய் உயர்ந்தவன்
(rAgA: rEvati)
ராகம் ரேவதி
4: rAma rAma ena bhajippavan
ராம ராம என பஜிப்பவன்
rAman sEvaiyai rasippavan
ராமன் சேவையை ரசிப்பவன்
rAma nAmattai pusippavan
ராம நாமத்தை புசிப்பவன்
rAma pAdattil vasippavan
ராம பாதத்தில் வசிப்பவன்
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Sunday, June 29, 2014
கோதண்டமண்டிதகரம் கமலாயதாக்ஷம்
ஸீதாஸமாஷ்ரிதபுஜம் ஜகதாம் ஷரண்யம் I
பீதாம்பரம் ரகுவரம் ஷரணம் ப்ரபத்யே II
कोदण्डमण्डीतकरं कमलायताक्षं
सीतासमाश्रितभुजं जगतां शरण्यं I
पीताम्बरं रघुवरं शरणं प्रपद्ये II
Kodhandamandithakaram Kamalaayathaaksham
Seethasamaashrithabhujam Jagathaam Sharanyam I
Aajaanubaahumamarrarchitha paadhapadhmam
Peethaambharam Raghuvaram Sharanam Prapaadhye II
Sri. O.S.Sundar Bhagavathar ~

ஸீதாஸமாஷ்ரிதபுஜம் ஜகதாம் ஷரண்யம் I
பீதாம்பரம் ரகுவரம் ஷரணம் ப்ரபத்யே II
कोदण्डमण्डीतकरं कमलायताक्षं
सीतासमाश्रितभुजं जगतां शरण्यं I
पीताम्बरं रघुवरं शरणं प्रपद्ये II
Kodhandamandithakaram Kamalaayathaaksham
Seethasamaashrithabhujam Jagathaam Sharanyam I
Aajaanubaahumamarrarchitha paadhapadhmam
Peethaambharam Raghuvaram Sharanam Prapaadhye II
Sri. O.S.Sundar Bhagavathar ~

os sundar,
ramar shlokham,
Sri Chinthamani
The Kuru Dynasty ~ Family Tree

NilAmbujashyAmala kOmalAngaM ~ Ramar Shlokam
सीतासमारोपितवामभागम् |
पाणौ महासायकचारुचापं
नमामि रामं रघुवंशनाथम् ||
NilAmbujashyAmala kOmalAngaM
SItAsamArOpita vAmabhAgam
pANaU mahAsAyakachAruchApam
namAmi rAmaM raghuvamsa nAtham.
He whose soft body is like a dark lotus;
On whose left Sita is seated;
In whose hands is the great bow and arrow;
To that protector of Raghu dynasty I offer my salutations!

Thursday, June 19, 2014
Shree Subramanya Bhujhangham - श्री सुब्रह्मण्यभुजङ्गम् - ஸ்ரீ சுப்ரமண்ய புஜங்கம்
by Sri Aadhi Shankara Bhagavathpaadhaal
सदा बालरूपाऽपि विघ्नाद्रिहन्त्री
महादन्तिवक्त्राऽपि पञ्चास्यमान्या ।
विधीन्द्रादिमृग्या गणेशाभिधा मे
विधत्तां श्रियं काऽपि कल्याणमूर्तिः ॥१॥
Sadaa Baala-Ruupa-Api Vighna-Adri-Hantrii
Mahaa-Danti-Vaktra-Api Pan.caasya-Maanyaa |
Vidhi-Indra-[A]adi-Mrgyaa Gannesha-Abhidhaa Me
Vidhattaam Shriyam Kaa-Api Kalyaanna-Muurtih ||1||
Salutations to Sri Ganesha Who Always has a Child-like Form, but can Destroy Mountains of Obstacles,
Who has an Elephant Face with a Huge Tusk, but is respected by the Five-FacedShiva,
Who is sought after by Vidhi (Brahma), Indra and Others; and Who is known as Ganesha; To me ...
please bestow Sri (Glory and Prosperity), O the Lord with an Auspicious Form.
न जानामि शब्दं न जानामि चार्थं
न जानामि पद्यं न जानामि गद्यम् ।
चिदेका षडास्या हृदि द्योतते मे
मुखान्निःसरन्ते गिरश्चापि चित्रम् ॥२॥
Na Jaanaami Shabdam Na Jaanaami Ca-Artham
Na Jaanaami Padyam Na Jaanaami Gadyam |
Cid-Ekaa Ssaddaasyaa Hrdi Dyota-Te Me
Mukhaan-Nihsarante Girash-Ca-Api Citram ||2||
I know neither Words, nor their Meanings O Lord,
And I know neither Poetry, nor Prose, but ...
within the Core of my Heart, I see the Conscious Effulgence of Your Six Faces, ...
which is making these various Words pour forth through my Mouth.
मयूराधिरूढं महावाक्यगूढं
मनोहारिदेहं महच्चित्तगेहम् ।
महीदेवदेवं महावेदभावं
महादेवबालं भजे लोकपालम् ॥३॥
Mayuura-Adhiruuddham Mahaa-Vaakya-Guuddham
Manohaari-Deham Mahac-Citta-Geham |
Mahii-Deva-Devam Mahaa-Veda-Bhaavam
Mahaa-Deva-Baalam Bhaje Loka-Paalam ||3||
Whose Form Mounted on a Peacock represents the deepest Secret of the Upanishadic Maha Vakyas,
Whose Heart-Stealing Beautiful Body Dwells within the Great Heart of Spiritual Consciousness,
Who is the Great God of the Devas and represents what the Great Vedas convey,
I Worship that Son of Mahadeva (another name of Shiva) Who is the Protector of the World.
यदा संनिधानं गता मानवा मे
भवाम्भोधिपारं गतास्ते तदैव ।
इति व्यञ्जयन्सिन्धुतीरे य आस्ते
तमीडे पवित्रं पराशक्तिपुत्रम् ॥४॥
Yadaa Samnidhaanam Gataa Maanavaa Me
Bhava-Ambhodhi-Paaram Gataas-Te Tadai[a-E]va |
Iti Vyan.jayan-Sindhu-Tiire Ya Aaste
Tam-Iidde Pavitram Paraashakti-Putram ||4||
When Persons come to My Presence (and completely surrender to me),
They have Indeed Crossed the Ocean of the Samsara,
Thus You seem to proclaim Manifesting on the Shore of the Sea (at Tiruchendur) and Dwelling there,
May I always Praise You, O the Ever Pure Son of Parashakti (Divine Mother).
यथाब्धेस्तरङ्गा लयं यन्ति तुङ्गाः
तथैवापदः सन्निधौ सेवतां मे ।
इतीवोर्मिपंक्तीर्नृणां दर्शयन्तं
सदा भावये हृत्सरोजे गुहं तम् ॥५॥
Yatha-Abdhes-Taranggaa Layam Yanti Tunggaah
Tathai[aa-E]va-[A]apadah Sannidhau Sevataam Me |
Iti-Ivo[a-Uu]rmi-Pangktiir-Nrnnaam Darshayantam
Sadaa Bhaavaye Hrt-Saroje Guham Tam ||5||
Like the Huge Waves of the Sea Disappear within the Sea, ...
similarly, the Calamities of My Devotees will Disappear Who come to My Presencewhere I Dwell (and completely surrender to me),
Thus You seem to proclaim showing the Rows of Waves on the Sea (to the Devotees),
May I always Meditate on You, O Guha (another name of Subramanya) within the Lotusof my Heart.
गिरौ मन्निवासे नरा येऽधिरूढाः
तदा पर्वते राजते तेऽधिरूढाः ।
इतीव ब्रुवन्गन्धशैलाधिरूढाः
स देवो मुदे मे सदा षण्मुखोऽस्तु ॥६॥
Girau Man-Nivaase Naraa Ye-Adhiruuddhaah
Tadaa Parvate Raajate Te-Adhiruuddhaah |
Iti-Iva Bruvan-Gandhashaila-Adhiruuddhaah
Sa Devo Mude Me Sadaa Ssannmukho-Astu ||6||
Those Persons who Ascend the Hills of My Abode (and completely surrender to me), ...
they thereby Ascend the Great Silvery Mountain which leads to the path of Liberation (referring to Mount Kailash which appears Silvery due to snow),
Thus You seem to proclaim Abiding on the Sugandha Hill,
Let me always Rejoice in the contemplation of You, O my Lord Shanmukha.
महाम्भोधितीरे महापापचोरे
मुनीन्द्रानुकूले सुगन्धाख्यशैले ।
गुहायां वसन्तं स्वभासा लसन्तं
जनार्तिं हरन्तं श्रयामो गुहं तम् ॥७॥
Mahaa-[A]mbhodhi-Tiire Mahaa-Paapa-Core
Muni-Indra-Anukuule Sugandha-[A]akhya-Shaile |
Guhaayaam Vasantam Sva-Bhaasaa Lasantam
Jana-[A]artim Harantam Shrayaamo Guham Tam ||7||
On the Shores of the Great Sea, the Place whichSteals away the Great Sins of the People, ...
the Place which is very Favourable for Munis to perform Sadhana, the Place which is known as the Sugandha Hill, ...
the Place where Guha Abides in His Own Splendour, ...
and Removes the Distress of the People; I Remember that Place and take Refuge in You, O Guha.
लसत्स्वर्णगेहे नृणां कामदोहे
सुमस्तोमसंछत्रमाणिक्यमञ्चे ।
सदा भावये कार्तिकेयं सुरेशम् ॥८॥
Lasat-Svarnna-Gehe Nrnnaam Kaama-Dohe
Suma-Stoma-Samchatra-Maannikya-Man.ce |
Sadaa Bhaavaye Kaartikeyam Sure[a-Ii]sham ||8||
Within the Shining Golden House (i.e. Temple Room),Granting the Wishes of the Devotees, ...
Abides the Lord on a Shrine which is covered with heaps of Flowers and various Gems, ...
the Lord Himself Shining with the Effulgence of Thousand Suns,
Let me always Meditate on that Form of Kartikeya, the Lord of the Devas.
रणद्धंसके मञ्जुलेऽत्यन्तशोणे
मनःषट्पदो मे भवक्लेशतप्तः
सदा मोदतां स्कन्द ते पादपद्मे ॥९॥
Rannad-Dhamsake Man.jule-Atyanta-Shonne
Manah-Ssatt-Pado Me Bhava-Klesha-Taptah
Sadaa Modataam Skanda Te Paada-Padme ||9||
On the Jingling Anklets on the Feet which are very Charming and Reddish, ...
the Feet which are Heart-Stealing, Lovely and filled with Nectar ...
On those Six pair of Feet (in Your Six Abodes), let me who is afflicted with theDistress and Heat of the World, ...
always Rejoice, O Skanda, keeping my Mind always on Your Lotus Feet.
क्वणत्किङ्किणीमेखलाशोभमानाम् ।
लसद्धेमपट्टेन विद्योतमानां
कटिं भावये स्कन्द ते दीप्यमानाम् ॥१०॥
Kvannat-Kingkinnii-Mekhalaa-Shobhamaanaam |
Lasad-Dhema-Pattttena Vidyotamaanaam
Kattim Bhaavaye Skanda Te Diipyamaanaam ||10||
Clad in Divine Clothes which are Shining with the Lustre of Gold, ...
and wearing a beautiful Girdle on the Waist on which small Bells are Tinkling, ...
along with a Golden Silk Cloth which is Flashing like Lightning, ...
I Meditate on Your Waist, O Skanda, You Who Enlighten my Heart.
स्तनालिङ्गनासक्तकाश्मीररागम् ।
नमस्यामहं तारकारे तवोरः
स्वभक्तावने सर्वदा सानुरागम् ॥११॥
Stana-[A]alinggana-[A]asakta-Kaashmiira-Raagam |
Namasyaam-Aham Taaraka-Are Tavorah
Sva-Bhakta-Avane Sarvadaa Sa-Anuraagam ||11||
Like how You Embraced the Woman of the Pulinda Tribe (i.e. Sri Valli, who meditated on You for long) who had Big and Round ....
Bosom, and as a result of that Embrace, Your Chest became Red like Saffron(signifying deep attachment towards Devotees), ...
I Bow down to You, the Enemy of Taraka, and Who is extremely Powerful, ...
Please extend the same Anuraga (Love and Affection which You showed towards Valli) towards Your Devotees also, always, You Who are the Joy of the Devotees.
विधौ कॢप्तदण्डान् स्वलीलाधृताण्डान्
निरस्तेभशुण्डान् द्विषत्कालदण्डान् ।
सदा ते प्रचण्डान् श्रये बाहुदण्डान् ॥१२॥
Vidhau Klpta-Dannddaan Sva-Liilaa-Dhrta-Annddaan
Nirastebha-Shunnddaan Dvissat-Kaala-Dannddaan |
Sadaa Te Pracannddaan Shraye Baahu-Dannddaan ||12||
The Arms which Effected Punishment to Vidhi (Sri Brahma) and the Arms which Supported the Universe as One's Play, ...
The Arms which Casted off the Elephant (Valli Story) and the Arms which are like Kaaladanda (Staff of Death) to the Hostile, ...
The Arms which Killed the Multitude of Enemies of Indra, and the Arms which are Skilled in Protecting the World, ...
I Always take Refuge in Your Formidable Arms, O Subramanya (which are like a Mighty Protecting Staff for the World).
सदा शारदाः षण्मृगाङ्का यदि स्युः
समुद्यन्त एव स्थिताश्चेत्समन्तात् ।
सदा पूर्णबिम्बाः कलङ्कैश्च हीनाः
तदा त्वन्मुखानां ब्रुवे स्कन्द साम्यम् ॥१३॥
Sadaa Shaaradaah Ssann-Mrgaangkaa Yadi Syuh
Sam-Udyanta Eva Sthitaash-Cet-Samantaat |
Sadaa Puurnna-Bimbaah Kalangkaish-Ca Hiinaah
Tadaa Tvan-Mukhaanaam Bruve Skanda Saamyam ||13||
If Six Autumn Moons Continuously Shine, ...
Rising Together and Staying side by side, such that their Splendour is a Continuous Whole, ...
and they are Always Shining with Full Brightness, without any Spot on them, ...
Even then, they can be said to be like Your Face, only for the name's sake, O Skanda, without the real Splendour matching.
स्फुरन्मन्दहासैः सहंसानि चञ्चत्
कटाक्षावलीभृङ्गसंघोज्ज्वलानि ।
तवालोकये षण्मुखाम्भोरुहाणि ॥१४॥
Sphuran-Manda-Haasaih Sa-Hamsaani
Kattaakssaa-Valii-Bhrngga-Samgho[a-U]jjvalaani |
Tava-[A]alokaye Ssann-Mukha-Ambhoruhaanni ||14||
With Shining Gentle Smile like a group of Swans Moving Happily, ...
and Side Glances like a group of Bees Shining with Splendour, ...
along with Lips like Bimba Fruit filled with Nectar; O the Son of the Lord of Earth, ...
I Behold Your Six Faces within my Heart; those Six Faces which blossom like Six Lotuses.
विशालेषु कर्णान्तदीर्घेष्वजस्रं
दयास्यन्दिषु द्वादशस्वीक्षणेषु ।
मयीषत्कटाक्षः सकृत्पातितश्चेद्
भवेत्ते दयाशील का नाम् हानिः ॥१५॥
Vishaalessu Karnna-Anta-Diirghessv[u]-Ajasram
Dayaa-Syandissu Dvaadashas-Viikssannessu |
Mayi-[I]issat-Kattaakssah Sakrt-Paatitash-Ced
Bhavet-Te Dayaashiila Kaa Naam Haanih ||15||
From Your Large and Long Eyes extending till the Ears, from which continually ...
pours forth Compassion; those Twelve Eyes, ...
If on me once Cast their Glance, ...
What Loss will there be to You, O my Compassionate Lord?
सुताङ्गोद्भवो मेऽसि जीवेति षड्धा
जपन्मन्त्रमीशो मुदा जिघ्रते यान् ।
जगद्भारभृद्भ्यो जगन्नाथ तेभ्यः
किरीटोज्ज्वलेभ्यो नमो मस्तकेभ्यः ॥१६॥
Suta-Anggo[a-U]dbhavo Me-Asi Jiive[a-I]ti Ssadd-Dhaa
Japan-Mantram-Iisho Mudaa Jighrate Yaan |
Jagad-Bhaara-Bhrdbhyo Jagan-Naatha Tebhyah
Kiriitto[a-U]jjvalebhyo Namo Mastakebhyah ||16||
"Son, you are born from my body, May your glory live (forever)"; Over Your Six Heads which Supports the World, ...
Mahadeva, the Great Lord, Joyfully uttered Mantras and Blessed You,
O Jagannatha (Lord of the World), You Who Bear the Burden of the World, ...
I Salute those Six Heads (blessed by Mahadeva and) which are Adorned with Shining Diadems.
चलत्कुण्डलश्रीलसद्गण्डभागः ।
कटौ पीतवास करे चारुशक्ति
पुरस्तान्ममास्तां पुरारेस्तनूज ॥१७॥
Calat-Kunnddala-Shrii-Lasad-Ganndda-Bhaagah |
Kattau Piita-Vaasa Kare Caaru-Shakti
Purastaan-Mamaas-Taam Puraares-Tanuuja ||17||
With a Delightfully Pleasing Form adorned withBracelets and Garlands studded with Glittering Gems, ...
and Beautiful Ear-Rings moving to and fro over the Shining Face, ...
With Golden Yellow Clothes over the Waist and the Beautiful Shakti Vel on HisHands, ...
I See Your Beautiful Form before my eyes, O the Son of the Enemy of Tripurasura (referring to Shiva).
इहायाहि वत्सेति हस्तान्प्रसार्या_
ह्वयत्यादशच्छङ्करे मातुरङ्कात् ।
समुत्पत्य तातं श्रयन्तं कुमारं
हराश्लिष्टगात्रं भजे बालमूर्तिम् ॥१८॥
Iha-Ayaahi Vatse[a-I]ti Hastaan-Prasaaryaa_
(Aa)Hvaya-Tyaada-Shacchangkare Maatur-Angkaat |
Samutpatya Taatam Shrayantam Kumaaram
Hara-[A]ashlisstta-Gaatram Bhaje Baala-Muurtim ||18||
"Come here, my Son", by Extending the Arms ...
When Shankara calls You, You from Your Mother's Lap ...
Spring up and go towards the endearing Embrace of Your Father, O Kumara (another name of Subramanya),
I Worship that Form of Bala Kumara (Child Kumara) Whose Body was Embraced by Hara (another name of Shiva).
कुमारेशसूनो गुह स्कन्द सेना_
पते शक्तिपाणे मयूराधिरूढ ।
पुलिन्दात्मजाकान्त भक्तार्तिहारिन्
प्रभो तारकारे सदा रक्ष मां त्वम् ॥१९॥
Kumaare[a-I]sha-Suuno Guha Skanda Senaa_
Pate Shakti-Paanne Mayuura-Adhiruuddha |
Pulinda-Atmajaa-Kaanta Bhakta-Arti-Haarin
Prabho Taaraka-Are Sadaa Rakssa Maam Tvam ||19||
O Kumara, You Who are the Son of the Lord (Shiva), You Who are also called Guha and Skanda, You Who are the Commandar of the Army of Devas, ...
You Who hold the Shakti Vel in Your Hands, You Who Mount the Peacock, ...
You Who are the Beloved of the Daughter of the hunter of Pulinda tribe (referring to Valli), ...
O Lord, You Who are the Enemy of Tarakasura, Please Protect me always.
प्रशान्तेन्द्रिये नष्टसंज्ञे विचेष्टे
कफोद्गारिवक्त्रे भयोत्कम्पिगात्रे ।
प्रयाणोन्मुखे मय्यनाथे तदानीं
द्रुतं मे दयालो भवाग्रे गुह त्वम् ॥२०॥
Prashaante[a-I]ndriye Nasstta-Samjnye Vicesstte
Kapho[a-U]dgaari-Vaktre Bhayot-Kampi-Gaatre |
Prayaanno[a-U]nmukhe Mayy-Anaathe Tadaaniim
Drutam Me Dayaalo Bhava-Agre Guha Tvam ||20||
During my Old Age, when my Senses will become Calm, when I will lose Consciousness and lie Motionless, ...
When my Face will Emit Phlegm and my whole Body will Tremble with Fear, ...
When I will lie Waiting for Death, O my Lord, during that time, for me, this Helpless creature, ...
Come to me Quickly and be before me, O Guha, the Compassionate Lord.
कृतान्तस्य दूतेषु चण्डेषु कोपाद्
दहच्छिन्द्धि भिन्द्धीति मां तर्जयत्सु ।
मयूरं समारुह्य मा भैरिति त्वं
पुरः शक्तिपाणिर्ममायाहि शीघ्रम् ॥२१॥
Krtaantasya Duutessu Cannddessu Kopaad
Dahac-Chinddhi Bhinddhi-Iti Maam Tarjayatsu |
Mayuuram Samaaruhya Maa Bhair-Iti Tvam
Purah Shakti-Paannir-Mama-[A]ayaa-Hi Shiighram ||21||
When the Messengers of the God of Death (Yama) who are Fierce, will say with Ferocity, ...
"Burn him, Cut him, Split him", threatening me, ...
You, Mounted on Your Peacock and assuring "There is no need to be afraid", ...
Please Come to me Quickly with Your Shakti Vel in Hand.
प्रणम्यासकृत्पादयोस्ते पतित्वा
प्रसाद्य प्रभो प्रार्थयेऽनेकवारम् ।
न वक्तुं क्षमोऽहं तदानीं कृपाब्धे
न कार्यान्तकाले मनागप्युपेक्षा ॥२२॥
Prannamyaa-Sakrt-Paadayos-Te Patitvaa
Prasaadya Prabho Praarthaye-Aneka-Vaaram |
Na Vaktum Kssamo-Aham Tadaaniim Krpa-Abdhe
Na Kaaryaanta-Kaale Manaag-Apy-Upekssaa ||22||
I Salute You by Falling at Your Feet right now, ...
Be Gracious, O Lord, I am Praying to You Many Times now, ...
For during that time (i.e. during my old age and when I am nearing death), I will not have the Strength to Speak, O the Ocean of Compassion, ...
Do not therefore Forsake me during the end of my life even for a little while.
सहस्राण्डभोक्ता त्वया शूरनामा
हतस्तारकः सिंहवक्त्रश्च दैत्यः ।
ममान्तर्हृदिस्थं मनःक्लेशमेकं
न हंसि प्रभो किं करोमि क्वामि ॥२३॥
Sahasra-Anndda-Bhoktaa Tvayaa Shuura-Naamaa
Hatas-Taarakah Simhavaktrash-Ca Daityah |
Mama-Antar-Hrdistham Manah-Klesham-Ekam
Na Hamsi Prabho Kim Karomi Kvaami ||23||
The Enjoyer of Thousand Universes by name Soora(i.e. demon Soorapadma) was by You ...
Slain along with the demons Taraka and Singhavaktra (i.e. demon Singhamukha),
Within the Core of my Heart lies one Mental Affliction,
You have still not Killed that, my Lord; What shall I do now? Where shall I go now?
अहं सर्वदा दुःखभारावसन्नो
भवान्दीनबन्धुस्त्वदन्यं न याचे ।
भवद्भक्तिरोधं सदा कॢप्तबाधं
ममाधिं द्रुतं नाशयोमासुत त्वम् ॥२४॥
Aham Sarvadaa Duhkha-Bhaara-Avasanno
Bhavaan-Diina-Bandhus-Tvad-Anyam Na Yaace |
Bhavad-Bhakti-Rodham Sadaa Kalpta-Baadham
Mama-[A]adhim Drutam Naashayo[a-U]maa-Suta Tvam ||24||
I am always sunken with the burden of Sorrows,
You are the Friend of the Miserable in all the Worlds; apart from You, I Pray to None Else,
Preventing full Devotion towards You by always causing Obstacles ...
are my Mental Sorrows; O the Son of Uma, please Destroy them Quickly.
अपस्मारकुष्टक्षयार्शः प्रमेह_
ज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः ।
पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं
विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥
Apasmaara-Kusstta-Kssaya-Arshah Prameha_
Jvaro[a-U]nmaada-Gulma-Adi-Rogaa Mahaantah |
Pishaacaash-Ca Sarve Bhavat-Patra-Bhuutim
Vilokya Kssannaat-Taaraka-Are Dravante ||25||
Apasmara (Epilepsy), Kussttha (Leprosy), Kssaya(Consumption), Arsha (Piles), Prameha (Urinary diseases like Diabetes), ...
Jwara (Fever), Unmada (Madness, Insanity), Gulma (Enlargement of Spleen or other glands in the abdomen) and other formidable Diseases, ...
as also all types of Pisachas (Evil Spirits), ... (when) in Your Bibhuti (Sacred Ash) contained in a Leaf, ...
sees You, Who is the Enemy of the formidable Taraka (i.e demon Tarakasura), they hasten to Run away Immediately.
दृशि स्कन्दमूर्तिः श्रुतौ स्कन्दकीर्तिः
मुखे मे पवित्रं सदा तच्चरित्रम् ।
करे तस्य कृत्यं वपुस्तस्य भृत्यं
गुहे सन्तु लीना ममाशेषभावाः ॥२६॥
Drshi Skanda-Muurtih Shrutau Skanda-Kiirtih
Mukhe Me Pavitram Sadaa Tac-Caritram |
Kare Tasya Krtyam Vapus-Tasya Bhrtyam
Guhe Santu Liinaa Mama-Ashessa-Bhaavaah ||26||
Always Seeing the Form of Skanda and Hearing the Glories of Skanda, ...
May my Mouth always Eulogize those Pure Deeds,
With my Hands always full with Your Works, may my Body always be Your Servant,
May All my Feelings (Bhava) be completely Absorbed in You, O Guha.
मुनीनामुताहो नृणां भक्तिभाजां
अभीष्टप्रदाः सन्ति सर्वत्र देवाः ।
नृणामन्त्यजानामपि स्वार्थदाने
गुहाद्देवमन्यं न जाने न जाने ॥२७॥
Muniinaam-Utaaho Nrnnaam Bhaktibhaajaam
Abhiisstta-Pradaah Santi Sarvatra Devaah |
Nrnnaam-Antya-Jaanaam-Api Sva-Artha-Daane
Guhaad-Devam-Anyam Na Jaane Na Jaane ||27||
Is it not that Worshipped by the Great Sages and Ascetics only, ...
the Devas (Gods) everywhere (i.e. in most cases) become the bestower of Desired Boons?
But even for the sake of Persons who are of the Lowest Births, to Grant them His Grace,
Apart from Guha, I do not know any other, I do not know any other.
कलत्रं सुता बन्धुवर्गः पशुर्वा
नरो वाथ नारि गृहे ये मदीयाः ।
यजन्तो नमन्तः स्तुवन्तो भवन्तं
स्मरन्तश्च ते सन्तु सर्वे कुमार ॥२८॥
Kalatram Sutaa Bandhu-Vargah Pashurvaa
Naro Va-Atha Naari Grhe Ye Madiiyaah |
Yajanto Namantah Stuvanto Bhavantam
Smarantash-Ca Te Santu Sarve Kumaara ||28||
Let my Wife, Children, Relatives or other People, ...
whether they are Men or Women, all those who stay in my House, ...
Let them all Worship You alone, let them all pay Obeisance to You alone, let them all Praise You alone, let them all Turn to You alone, ...
Let them all become absorbed in Your Remembrance only, O Kumara.
मृगाः पक्षिणो दंशका ये च दुष्टाः
तथा व्याधयो बाधका ये मदङ्गे ।
भवच्छक्तितीक्ष्णाग्रभिन्नाः सुदूरे
विनश्यन्तु ते चूर्णितक्रौञ्चशौल ॥२९॥
Mrgaah Pakssinno Damshakaa Ye Ca Dussttaah
Tathaa Vyaadhayo Baadhakaa Ye Mad-Angge |
Bhavac-Chakti-Tiikssnna-Agra-Bhinnaah Suduure
Vinashyantu Te Cuurnnita-Kraun.cashaula ||29||
Those Animals, Birds and Biting Insects which are offensive, ...
and in like manner, those Diseases which cause Pain and afflict my Body, ...
Piercing them with Your Sharp Shakti Vel and casting them Far away, ...
Please Destroy them, O You Who Crushed the Krauncha Mountain.
जनित्री पिता च स्वपुत्रापराधं
सहेते न किं देवसेनाधिनाथ ।
अहं चातिबालो भवान् लोकतातः
क्षमस्वापराधं समस्तं महेश ॥३०॥
Janitrii Pitaa Ca Sva-Putra-Aparaadham
Sahete Na Kim Deva-Sena-Adhinaatha |
Aham Ca-Ati-Baalo Bhavaan Loka-Taatah
Kssama-Sva-Aparaadham Samastam Mahe[a-Ii]sha ||30||
Mother and Father, seeing the Faults of their Children, ...
do they not Tolerate and Forgive those, O the Chief of the Army of Devas?
I am a mere Child and You are the Father of the World,
(So like a Father) please Forgive all my Faults, O the Great Lord.
नमः केकिने शक्तये चापि तुभ्यं
नमश्छाग तुभ्यं नमः कुक्कुटाय ।
नमः सिन्धवे सिन्धुदेशाय तुभ्यं
पुनः स्कन्दमूर्ते नमस्ते नमोऽस्तु ॥३१॥
Namah Kekine Shaktaye Ca-Api Tubhyam
Namash-Chaaga Tubhyam Namah Kukkuttaaya |
Namah Sindhave Sindhu-Deshaaya Tubhyam
Punah Skanda-Muurte Namaste Namostu ||31||
(Salutations to Sri Subramanya) Salutations to Your Peacock and Your Shakti Vel,
Salutations to Your Goat, Salutations to Your Cock,
Salutations to Your Pilgrimage (referred to as Sindhudesha) by the side of the Sea,
Salutations, Salutations to You again and again, O Skanda, Salutations to Your Beautiful Form.
जयामोघकीर्ते जयानन्दमूर्ते ।
जयानन्दसिन्धो जयाशेषबन्धो
जय त्वं सदा मुक्तिदानेशसूनो ॥३२॥
Jaya-Amogha-Kiirte Jaya-[A]ananda-Muurte |
Jaya-[A]ananda-Sindho Jaya-Ashessa-Bandho
Jaya Tvam Sadaa Mukti-Daane[a-Ii]sha-Suuno ||32||
Victory to You, the Inner World of BlissConsciousness, Victory to You Whose Abode is in that Shoreless (i.e. Unbounded) Bliss Consciousness,
Victory to You Whose Glory (both Inner and Outer) unfailingly extend everywhere,Victory to You Whose Form is an Embodiment of Bliss,
Victory to You Who is an Ocean of Bliss, Victory to You Whose Friendship isUnbounded (being the all pervading Consciousness),
Victory to You Always, Who is the Son of the Lord Who bestows Liberation (i.e. Lord Shiva).
भुजङ्गाख्यवृत्तेन कॢप्तं स्तवं यः
पठेद्भक्तियुक्तो गुहं संप्रणम्य ।
स पुत्रान्कलत्रं धनं दीर्घमायुः
लभेत्स्कन्दसायुज्यमन्ते नरः सः ॥३३॥
Bhujangga-[A]akhya-Vrttena Klptam Stavam Yah
Patthed-Bhakti-Yukto Guham Samprannamya |
Sa Putraan-Kalatram Dhanam Diirgham-Aayuh
Labhet-Skanda-Aaayujyam-Ante Narah Sah ||33||
This Hymn which is Arranged and set in Motion in the Bhujanga (Snake-like) Metre, the person who ...
Recites with deep Devotion and Reverentially Bowing before Guha, ...
will get good Spouse and Sons, Wealth and long Life ...
and finally that person will obtain the Sayujya (absorption in the Divine Essence) of Skanda.
In Tamizh
ஆனந்தப் பெருமிதம்
Links :
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Part 2 -
सदा बालरूपाऽपि विघ्नाद्रिहन्त्री
महादन्तिवक्त्राऽपि पञ्चास्यमान्या ।
विधीन्द्रादिमृग्या गणेशाभिधा मे
विधत्तां श्रियं काऽपि कल्याणमूर्तिः ॥१॥
Sadaa Baala-Ruupa-Api Vighna-Adri-Hantrii
Mahaa-Danti-Vaktra-Api Pan.caasya-Maanyaa |
Vidhi-Indra-[A]adi-Mrgyaa Gannesha-Abhidhaa Me
Vidhattaam Shriyam Kaa-Api Kalyaanna-Muurtih ||1||
Salutations to Sri Ganesha Who Always has a Child-like Form, but can Destroy Mountains of Obstacles,
Who has an Elephant Face with a Huge Tusk, but is respected by the Five-FacedShiva,
Who is sought after by Vidhi (Brahma), Indra and Others; and Who is known as Ganesha; To me ...
please bestow Sri (Glory and Prosperity), O the Lord with an Auspicious Form.
न जानामि शब्दं न जानामि चार्थं
न जानामि पद्यं न जानामि गद्यम् ।
चिदेका षडास्या हृदि द्योतते मे
मुखान्निःसरन्ते गिरश्चापि चित्रम् ॥२॥
Na Jaanaami Shabdam Na Jaanaami Ca-Artham
Na Jaanaami Padyam Na Jaanaami Gadyam |
Cid-Ekaa Ssaddaasyaa Hrdi Dyota-Te Me
Mukhaan-Nihsarante Girash-Ca-Api Citram ||2||
I know neither Words, nor their Meanings O Lord,
And I know neither Poetry, nor Prose, but ...
within the Core of my Heart, I see the Conscious Effulgence of Your Six Faces, ...
which is making these various Words pour forth through my Mouth.
मयूराधिरूढं महावाक्यगूढं
मनोहारिदेहं महच्चित्तगेहम् ।
महीदेवदेवं महावेदभावं
महादेवबालं भजे लोकपालम् ॥३॥
Mayuura-Adhiruuddham Mahaa-Vaakya-Guuddham
Manohaari-Deham Mahac-Citta-Geham |
Mahii-Deva-Devam Mahaa-Veda-Bhaavam
Mahaa-Deva-Baalam Bhaje Loka-Paalam ||3||
Whose Form Mounted on a Peacock represents the deepest Secret of the Upanishadic Maha Vakyas,
Whose Heart-Stealing Beautiful Body Dwells within the Great Heart of Spiritual Consciousness,
Who is the Great God of the Devas and represents what the Great Vedas convey,
I Worship that Son of Mahadeva (another name of Shiva) Who is the Protector of the World.
यदा संनिधानं गता मानवा मे
भवाम्भोधिपारं गतास्ते तदैव ।
इति व्यञ्जयन्सिन्धुतीरे य आस्ते
तमीडे पवित्रं पराशक्तिपुत्रम् ॥४॥
Yadaa Samnidhaanam Gataa Maanavaa Me
Bhava-Ambhodhi-Paaram Gataas-Te Tadai[a-E]va |
Iti Vyan.jayan-Sindhu-Tiire Ya Aaste
Tam-Iidde Pavitram Paraashakti-Putram ||4||
When Persons come to My Presence (and completely surrender to me),
They have Indeed Crossed the Ocean of the Samsara,
Thus You seem to proclaim Manifesting on the Shore of the Sea (at Tiruchendur) and Dwelling there,
May I always Praise You, O the Ever Pure Son of Parashakti (Divine Mother).
यथाब्धेस्तरङ्गा लयं यन्ति तुङ्गाः
तथैवापदः सन्निधौ सेवतां मे ।
इतीवोर्मिपंक्तीर्नृणां दर्शयन्तं
सदा भावये हृत्सरोजे गुहं तम् ॥५॥
Yatha-Abdhes-Taranggaa Layam Yanti Tunggaah
Tathai[aa-E]va-[A]apadah Sannidhau Sevataam Me |
Iti-Ivo[a-Uu]rmi-Pangktiir-Nrnnaam Darshayantam
Sadaa Bhaavaye Hrt-Saroje Guham Tam ||5||
Like the Huge Waves of the Sea Disappear within the Sea, ...
similarly, the Calamities of My Devotees will Disappear Who come to My Presencewhere I Dwell (and completely surrender to me),
Thus You seem to proclaim showing the Rows of Waves on the Sea (to the Devotees),
May I always Meditate on You, O Guha (another name of Subramanya) within the Lotusof my Heart.
गिरौ मन्निवासे नरा येऽधिरूढाः
तदा पर्वते राजते तेऽधिरूढाः ।
इतीव ब्रुवन्गन्धशैलाधिरूढाः
स देवो मुदे मे सदा षण्मुखोऽस्तु ॥६॥
Girau Man-Nivaase Naraa Ye-Adhiruuddhaah
Tadaa Parvate Raajate Te-Adhiruuddhaah |
Iti-Iva Bruvan-Gandhashaila-Adhiruuddhaah
Sa Devo Mude Me Sadaa Ssannmukho-Astu ||6||
Those Persons who Ascend the Hills of My Abode (and completely surrender to me), ...
they thereby Ascend the Great Silvery Mountain which leads to the path of Liberation (referring to Mount Kailash which appears Silvery due to snow),
Thus You seem to proclaim Abiding on the Sugandha Hill,
Let me always Rejoice in the contemplation of You, O my Lord Shanmukha.
महाम्भोधितीरे महापापचोरे
मुनीन्द्रानुकूले सुगन्धाख्यशैले ।
गुहायां वसन्तं स्वभासा लसन्तं
जनार्तिं हरन्तं श्रयामो गुहं तम् ॥७॥
Mahaa-[A]mbhodhi-Tiire Mahaa-Paapa-Core
Muni-Indra-Anukuule Sugandha-[A]akhya-Shaile |
Guhaayaam Vasantam Sva-Bhaasaa Lasantam
Jana-[A]artim Harantam Shrayaamo Guham Tam ||7||
On the Shores of the Great Sea, the Place whichSteals away the Great Sins of the People, ...
the Place which is very Favourable for Munis to perform Sadhana, the Place which is known as the Sugandha Hill, ...
the Place where Guha Abides in His Own Splendour, ...
and Removes the Distress of the People; I Remember that Place and take Refuge in You, O Guha.
लसत्स्वर्णगेहे नृणां कामदोहे
सुमस्तोमसंछत्रमाणिक्यमञ्चे ।
सदा भावये कार्तिकेयं सुरेशम् ॥८॥
Lasat-Svarnna-Gehe Nrnnaam Kaama-Dohe
Suma-Stoma-Samchatra-Maannikya-Man.ce |
Sadaa Bhaavaye Kaartikeyam Sure[a-Ii]sham ||8||
Within the Shining Golden House (i.e. Temple Room),Granting the Wishes of the Devotees, ...
Abides the Lord on a Shrine which is covered with heaps of Flowers and various Gems, ...
the Lord Himself Shining with the Effulgence of Thousand Suns,
Let me always Meditate on that Form of Kartikeya, the Lord of the Devas.
रणद्धंसके मञ्जुलेऽत्यन्तशोणे
मनःषट्पदो मे भवक्लेशतप्तः
सदा मोदतां स्कन्द ते पादपद्मे ॥९॥
Rannad-Dhamsake Man.jule-Atyanta-Shonne
Manah-Ssatt-Pado Me Bhava-Klesha-Taptah
Sadaa Modataam Skanda Te Paada-Padme ||9||
On the Jingling Anklets on the Feet which are very Charming and Reddish, ...
the Feet which are Heart-Stealing, Lovely and filled with Nectar ...
On those Six pair of Feet (in Your Six Abodes), let me who is afflicted with theDistress and Heat of the World, ...
always Rejoice, O Skanda, keeping my Mind always on Your Lotus Feet.
क्वणत्किङ्किणीमेखलाशोभमानाम् ।
लसद्धेमपट्टेन विद्योतमानां
कटिं भावये स्कन्द ते दीप्यमानाम् ॥१०॥
Kvannat-Kingkinnii-Mekhalaa-Shobhamaanaam |
Lasad-Dhema-Pattttena Vidyotamaanaam
Kattim Bhaavaye Skanda Te Diipyamaanaam ||10||
Clad in Divine Clothes which are Shining with the Lustre of Gold, ...
and wearing a beautiful Girdle on the Waist on which small Bells are Tinkling, ...
along with a Golden Silk Cloth which is Flashing like Lightning, ...
I Meditate on Your Waist, O Skanda, You Who Enlighten my Heart.
स्तनालिङ्गनासक्तकाश्मीररागम् ।
नमस्यामहं तारकारे तवोरः
स्वभक्तावने सर्वदा सानुरागम् ॥११॥
Stana-[A]alinggana-[A]asakta-Kaashmiira-Raagam |
Namasyaam-Aham Taaraka-Are Tavorah
Sva-Bhakta-Avane Sarvadaa Sa-Anuraagam ||11||
Like how You Embraced the Woman of the Pulinda Tribe (i.e. Sri Valli, who meditated on You for long) who had Big and Round ....
Bosom, and as a result of that Embrace, Your Chest became Red like Saffron(signifying deep attachment towards Devotees), ...
I Bow down to You, the Enemy of Taraka, and Who is extremely Powerful, ...
Please extend the same Anuraga (Love and Affection which You showed towards Valli) towards Your Devotees also, always, You Who are the Joy of the Devotees.
विधौ कॢप्तदण्डान् स्वलीलाधृताण्डान्
निरस्तेभशुण्डान् द्विषत्कालदण्डान् ।
सदा ते प्रचण्डान् श्रये बाहुदण्डान् ॥१२॥
Vidhau Klpta-Dannddaan Sva-Liilaa-Dhrta-Annddaan
Nirastebha-Shunnddaan Dvissat-Kaala-Dannddaan |
Sadaa Te Pracannddaan Shraye Baahu-Dannddaan ||12||
The Arms which Effected Punishment to Vidhi (Sri Brahma) and the Arms which Supported the Universe as One's Play, ...
The Arms which Casted off the Elephant (Valli Story) and the Arms which are like Kaaladanda (Staff of Death) to the Hostile, ...
The Arms which Killed the Multitude of Enemies of Indra, and the Arms which are Skilled in Protecting the World, ...
I Always take Refuge in Your Formidable Arms, O Subramanya (which are like a Mighty Protecting Staff for the World).
सदा शारदाः षण्मृगाङ्का यदि स्युः
समुद्यन्त एव स्थिताश्चेत्समन्तात् ।
सदा पूर्णबिम्बाः कलङ्कैश्च हीनाः
तदा त्वन्मुखानां ब्रुवे स्कन्द साम्यम् ॥१३॥
Sadaa Shaaradaah Ssann-Mrgaangkaa Yadi Syuh
Sam-Udyanta Eva Sthitaash-Cet-Samantaat |
Sadaa Puurnna-Bimbaah Kalangkaish-Ca Hiinaah
Tadaa Tvan-Mukhaanaam Bruve Skanda Saamyam ||13||
If Six Autumn Moons Continuously Shine, ...
Rising Together and Staying side by side, such that their Splendour is a Continuous Whole, ...
and they are Always Shining with Full Brightness, without any Spot on them, ...
Even then, they can be said to be like Your Face, only for the name's sake, O Skanda, without the real Splendour matching.
स्फुरन्मन्दहासैः सहंसानि चञ्चत्
कटाक्षावलीभृङ्गसंघोज्ज्वलानि ।
तवालोकये षण्मुखाम्भोरुहाणि ॥१४॥
Sphuran-Manda-Haasaih Sa-Hamsaani
Kattaakssaa-Valii-Bhrngga-Samgho[a-U]jjvalaani |
Tava-[A]alokaye Ssann-Mukha-Ambhoruhaanni ||14||
With Shining Gentle Smile like a group of Swans Moving Happily, ...
and Side Glances like a group of Bees Shining with Splendour, ...
along with Lips like Bimba Fruit filled with Nectar; O the Son of the Lord of Earth, ...
I Behold Your Six Faces within my Heart; those Six Faces which blossom like Six Lotuses.
विशालेषु कर्णान्तदीर्घेष्वजस्रं
दयास्यन्दिषु द्वादशस्वीक्षणेषु ।
मयीषत्कटाक्षः सकृत्पातितश्चेद्
भवेत्ते दयाशील का नाम् हानिः ॥१५॥
Vishaalessu Karnna-Anta-Diirghessv[u]-Ajasram
Dayaa-Syandissu Dvaadashas-Viikssannessu |
Mayi-[I]issat-Kattaakssah Sakrt-Paatitash-Ced
Bhavet-Te Dayaashiila Kaa Naam Haanih ||15||
From Your Large and Long Eyes extending till the Ears, from which continually ...
pours forth Compassion; those Twelve Eyes, ...
If on me once Cast their Glance, ...
What Loss will there be to You, O my Compassionate Lord?
सुताङ्गोद्भवो मेऽसि जीवेति षड्धा
जपन्मन्त्रमीशो मुदा जिघ्रते यान् ।
जगद्भारभृद्भ्यो जगन्नाथ तेभ्यः
किरीटोज्ज्वलेभ्यो नमो मस्तकेभ्यः ॥१६॥
Suta-Anggo[a-U]dbhavo Me-Asi Jiive[a-I]ti Ssadd-Dhaa
Japan-Mantram-Iisho Mudaa Jighrate Yaan |
Jagad-Bhaara-Bhrdbhyo Jagan-Naatha Tebhyah
Kiriitto[a-U]jjvalebhyo Namo Mastakebhyah ||16||
"Son, you are born from my body, May your glory live (forever)"; Over Your Six Heads which Supports the World, ...
Mahadeva, the Great Lord, Joyfully uttered Mantras and Blessed You,
O Jagannatha (Lord of the World), You Who Bear the Burden of the World, ...
I Salute those Six Heads (blessed by Mahadeva and) which are Adorned with Shining Diadems.
चलत्कुण्डलश्रीलसद्गण्डभागः ।
कटौ पीतवास करे चारुशक्ति
पुरस्तान्ममास्तां पुरारेस्तनूज ॥१७॥
Calat-Kunnddala-Shrii-Lasad-Ganndda-Bhaagah |
Kattau Piita-Vaasa Kare Caaru-Shakti
Purastaan-Mamaas-Taam Puraares-Tanuuja ||17||
With a Delightfully Pleasing Form adorned withBracelets and Garlands studded with Glittering Gems, ...
and Beautiful Ear-Rings moving to and fro over the Shining Face, ...
With Golden Yellow Clothes over the Waist and the Beautiful Shakti Vel on HisHands, ...
I See Your Beautiful Form before my eyes, O the Son of the Enemy of Tripurasura (referring to Shiva).
इहायाहि वत्सेति हस्तान्प्रसार्या_
ह्वयत्यादशच्छङ्करे मातुरङ्कात् ।
समुत्पत्य तातं श्रयन्तं कुमारं
हराश्लिष्टगात्रं भजे बालमूर्तिम् ॥१८॥
Iha-Ayaahi Vatse[a-I]ti Hastaan-Prasaaryaa_
(Aa)Hvaya-Tyaada-Shacchangkare Maatur-Angkaat |
Samutpatya Taatam Shrayantam Kumaaram
Hara-[A]ashlisstta-Gaatram Bhaje Baala-Muurtim ||18||
"Come here, my Son", by Extending the Arms ...
When Shankara calls You, You from Your Mother's Lap ...
Spring up and go towards the endearing Embrace of Your Father, O Kumara (another name of Subramanya),
I Worship that Form of Bala Kumara (Child Kumara) Whose Body was Embraced by Hara (another name of Shiva).
कुमारेशसूनो गुह स्कन्द सेना_
पते शक्तिपाणे मयूराधिरूढ ।
पुलिन्दात्मजाकान्त भक्तार्तिहारिन्
प्रभो तारकारे सदा रक्ष मां त्वम् ॥१९॥
Kumaare[a-I]sha-Suuno Guha Skanda Senaa_
Pate Shakti-Paanne Mayuura-Adhiruuddha |
Pulinda-Atmajaa-Kaanta Bhakta-Arti-Haarin
Prabho Taaraka-Are Sadaa Rakssa Maam Tvam ||19||
O Kumara, You Who are the Son of the Lord (Shiva), You Who are also called Guha and Skanda, You Who are the Commandar of the Army of Devas, ...
You Who hold the Shakti Vel in Your Hands, You Who Mount the Peacock, ...
You Who are the Beloved of the Daughter of the hunter of Pulinda tribe (referring to Valli), ...
O Lord, You Who are the Enemy of Tarakasura, Please Protect me always.
प्रशान्तेन्द्रिये नष्टसंज्ञे विचेष्टे
कफोद्गारिवक्त्रे भयोत्कम्पिगात्रे ।
प्रयाणोन्मुखे मय्यनाथे तदानीं
द्रुतं मे दयालो भवाग्रे गुह त्वम् ॥२०॥
Prashaante[a-I]ndriye Nasstta-Samjnye Vicesstte
Kapho[a-U]dgaari-Vaktre Bhayot-Kampi-Gaatre |
Prayaanno[a-U]nmukhe Mayy-Anaathe Tadaaniim
Drutam Me Dayaalo Bhava-Agre Guha Tvam ||20||
During my Old Age, when my Senses will become Calm, when I will lose Consciousness and lie Motionless, ...
When my Face will Emit Phlegm and my whole Body will Tremble with Fear, ...
When I will lie Waiting for Death, O my Lord, during that time, for me, this Helpless creature, ...
Come to me Quickly and be before me, O Guha, the Compassionate Lord.
कृतान्तस्य दूतेषु चण्डेषु कोपाद्
दहच्छिन्द्धि भिन्द्धीति मां तर्जयत्सु ।
मयूरं समारुह्य मा भैरिति त्वं
पुरः शक्तिपाणिर्ममायाहि शीघ्रम् ॥२१॥
Krtaantasya Duutessu Cannddessu Kopaad
Dahac-Chinddhi Bhinddhi-Iti Maam Tarjayatsu |
Mayuuram Samaaruhya Maa Bhair-Iti Tvam
Purah Shakti-Paannir-Mama-[A]ayaa-Hi Shiighram ||21||
When the Messengers of the God of Death (Yama) who are Fierce, will say with Ferocity, ...
"Burn him, Cut him, Split him", threatening me, ...
You, Mounted on Your Peacock and assuring "There is no need to be afraid", ...
Please Come to me Quickly with Your Shakti Vel in Hand.
प्रणम्यासकृत्पादयोस्ते पतित्वा
प्रसाद्य प्रभो प्रार्थयेऽनेकवारम् ।
न वक्तुं क्षमोऽहं तदानीं कृपाब्धे
न कार्यान्तकाले मनागप्युपेक्षा ॥२२॥
Prannamyaa-Sakrt-Paadayos-Te Patitvaa
Prasaadya Prabho Praarthaye-Aneka-Vaaram |
Na Vaktum Kssamo-Aham Tadaaniim Krpa-Abdhe
Na Kaaryaanta-Kaale Manaag-Apy-Upekssaa ||22||
I Salute You by Falling at Your Feet right now, ...
Be Gracious, O Lord, I am Praying to You Many Times now, ...
For during that time (i.e. during my old age and when I am nearing death), I will not have the Strength to Speak, O the Ocean of Compassion, ...
Do not therefore Forsake me during the end of my life even for a little while.
सहस्राण्डभोक्ता त्वया शूरनामा
हतस्तारकः सिंहवक्त्रश्च दैत्यः ।
ममान्तर्हृदिस्थं मनःक्लेशमेकं
न हंसि प्रभो किं करोमि क्वामि ॥२३॥
Sahasra-Anndda-Bhoktaa Tvayaa Shuura-Naamaa
Hatas-Taarakah Simhavaktrash-Ca Daityah |
Mama-Antar-Hrdistham Manah-Klesham-Ekam
Na Hamsi Prabho Kim Karomi Kvaami ||23||
The Enjoyer of Thousand Universes by name Soora(i.e. demon Soorapadma) was by You ...
Slain along with the demons Taraka and Singhavaktra (i.e. demon Singhamukha),
Within the Core of my Heart lies one Mental Affliction,
You have still not Killed that, my Lord; What shall I do now? Where shall I go now?
अहं सर्वदा दुःखभारावसन्नो
भवान्दीनबन्धुस्त्वदन्यं न याचे ।
भवद्भक्तिरोधं सदा कॢप्तबाधं
ममाधिं द्रुतं नाशयोमासुत त्वम् ॥२४॥
Aham Sarvadaa Duhkha-Bhaara-Avasanno
Bhavaan-Diina-Bandhus-Tvad-Anyam Na Yaace |
Bhavad-Bhakti-Rodham Sadaa Kalpta-Baadham
Mama-[A]adhim Drutam Naashayo[a-U]maa-Suta Tvam ||24||
I am always sunken with the burden of Sorrows,
You are the Friend of the Miserable in all the Worlds; apart from You, I Pray to None Else,
Preventing full Devotion towards You by always causing Obstacles ...
are my Mental Sorrows; O the Son of Uma, please Destroy them Quickly.
अपस्मारकुष्टक्षयार्शः प्रमेह_
ज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः ।
पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं
विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥
Apasmaara-Kusstta-Kssaya-Arshah Prameha_
Jvaro[a-U]nmaada-Gulma-Adi-Rogaa Mahaantah |
Pishaacaash-Ca Sarve Bhavat-Patra-Bhuutim
Vilokya Kssannaat-Taaraka-Are Dravante ||25||
Apasmara (Epilepsy), Kussttha (Leprosy), Kssaya(Consumption), Arsha (Piles), Prameha (Urinary diseases like Diabetes), ...
Jwara (Fever), Unmada (Madness, Insanity), Gulma (Enlargement of Spleen or other glands in the abdomen) and other formidable Diseases, ...
as also all types of Pisachas (Evil Spirits), ... (when) in Your Bibhuti (Sacred Ash) contained in a Leaf, ...
sees You, Who is the Enemy of the formidable Taraka (i.e demon Tarakasura), they hasten to Run away Immediately.
दृशि स्कन्दमूर्तिः श्रुतौ स्कन्दकीर्तिः
मुखे मे पवित्रं सदा तच्चरित्रम् ।
करे तस्य कृत्यं वपुस्तस्य भृत्यं
गुहे सन्तु लीना ममाशेषभावाः ॥२६॥
Drshi Skanda-Muurtih Shrutau Skanda-Kiirtih
Mukhe Me Pavitram Sadaa Tac-Caritram |
Kare Tasya Krtyam Vapus-Tasya Bhrtyam
Guhe Santu Liinaa Mama-Ashessa-Bhaavaah ||26||
Always Seeing the Form of Skanda and Hearing the Glories of Skanda, ...
May my Mouth always Eulogize those Pure Deeds,
With my Hands always full with Your Works, may my Body always be Your Servant,
May All my Feelings (Bhava) be completely Absorbed in You, O Guha.
मुनीनामुताहो नृणां भक्तिभाजां
अभीष्टप्रदाः सन्ति सर्वत्र देवाः ।
नृणामन्त्यजानामपि स्वार्थदाने
गुहाद्देवमन्यं न जाने न जाने ॥२७॥
Muniinaam-Utaaho Nrnnaam Bhaktibhaajaam
Abhiisstta-Pradaah Santi Sarvatra Devaah |
Nrnnaam-Antya-Jaanaam-Api Sva-Artha-Daane
Guhaad-Devam-Anyam Na Jaane Na Jaane ||27||
Is it not that Worshipped by the Great Sages and Ascetics only, ...
the Devas (Gods) everywhere (i.e. in most cases) become the bestower of Desired Boons?
But even for the sake of Persons who are of the Lowest Births, to Grant them His Grace,
Apart from Guha, I do not know any other, I do not know any other.
कलत्रं सुता बन्धुवर्गः पशुर्वा
नरो वाथ नारि गृहे ये मदीयाः ।
यजन्तो नमन्तः स्तुवन्तो भवन्तं
स्मरन्तश्च ते सन्तु सर्वे कुमार ॥२८॥
Kalatram Sutaa Bandhu-Vargah Pashurvaa
Naro Va-Atha Naari Grhe Ye Madiiyaah |
Yajanto Namantah Stuvanto Bhavantam
Smarantash-Ca Te Santu Sarve Kumaara ||28||
Let my Wife, Children, Relatives or other People, ...
whether they are Men or Women, all those who stay in my House, ...
Let them all Worship You alone, let them all pay Obeisance to You alone, let them all Praise You alone, let them all Turn to You alone, ...
Let them all become absorbed in Your Remembrance only, O Kumara.
मृगाः पक्षिणो दंशका ये च दुष्टाः
तथा व्याधयो बाधका ये मदङ्गे ।
भवच्छक्तितीक्ष्णाग्रभिन्नाः सुदूरे
विनश्यन्तु ते चूर्णितक्रौञ्चशौल ॥२९॥
Mrgaah Pakssinno Damshakaa Ye Ca Dussttaah
Tathaa Vyaadhayo Baadhakaa Ye Mad-Angge |
Bhavac-Chakti-Tiikssnna-Agra-Bhinnaah Suduure
Vinashyantu Te Cuurnnita-Kraun.cashaula ||29||
Those Animals, Birds and Biting Insects which are offensive, ...
and in like manner, those Diseases which cause Pain and afflict my Body, ...
Piercing them with Your Sharp Shakti Vel and casting them Far away, ...
Please Destroy them, O You Who Crushed the Krauncha Mountain.
जनित्री पिता च स्वपुत्रापराधं
सहेते न किं देवसेनाधिनाथ ।
अहं चातिबालो भवान् लोकतातः
क्षमस्वापराधं समस्तं महेश ॥३०॥
Janitrii Pitaa Ca Sva-Putra-Aparaadham
Sahete Na Kim Deva-Sena-Adhinaatha |
Aham Ca-Ati-Baalo Bhavaan Loka-Taatah
Kssama-Sva-Aparaadham Samastam Mahe[a-Ii]sha ||30||
Mother and Father, seeing the Faults of their Children, ...
do they not Tolerate and Forgive those, O the Chief of the Army of Devas?
I am a mere Child and You are the Father of the World,
(So like a Father) please Forgive all my Faults, O the Great Lord.
नमः केकिने शक्तये चापि तुभ्यं
नमश्छाग तुभ्यं नमः कुक्कुटाय ।
नमः सिन्धवे सिन्धुदेशाय तुभ्यं
पुनः स्कन्दमूर्ते नमस्ते नमोऽस्तु ॥३१॥
Namah Kekine Shaktaye Ca-Api Tubhyam
Namash-Chaaga Tubhyam Namah Kukkuttaaya |
Namah Sindhave Sindhu-Deshaaya Tubhyam
Punah Skanda-Muurte Namaste Namostu ||31||
(Salutations to Sri Subramanya) Salutations to Your Peacock and Your Shakti Vel,
Salutations to Your Goat, Salutations to Your Cock,
Salutations to Your Pilgrimage (referred to as Sindhudesha) by the side of the Sea,
Salutations, Salutations to You again and again, O Skanda, Salutations to Your Beautiful Form.
जयामोघकीर्ते जयानन्दमूर्ते ।
जयानन्दसिन्धो जयाशेषबन्धो
जय त्वं सदा मुक्तिदानेशसूनो ॥३२॥
Jaya-Amogha-Kiirte Jaya-[A]ananda-Muurte |
Jaya-[A]ananda-Sindho Jaya-Ashessa-Bandho
Jaya Tvam Sadaa Mukti-Daane[a-Ii]sha-Suuno ||32||
Victory to You, the Inner World of BlissConsciousness, Victory to You Whose Abode is in that Shoreless (i.e. Unbounded) Bliss Consciousness,
Victory to You Whose Glory (both Inner and Outer) unfailingly extend everywhere,Victory to You Whose Form is an Embodiment of Bliss,
Victory to You Who is an Ocean of Bliss, Victory to You Whose Friendship isUnbounded (being the all pervading Consciousness),
Victory to You Always, Who is the Son of the Lord Who bestows Liberation (i.e. Lord Shiva).
भुजङ्गाख्यवृत्तेन कॢप्तं स्तवं यः
पठेद्भक्तियुक्तो गुहं संप्रणम्य ।
स पुत्रान्कलत्रं धनं दीर्घमायुः
लभेत्स्कन्दसायुज्यमन्ते नरः सः ॥३३॥
Bhujangga-[A]akhya-Vrttena Klptam Stavam Yah
Patthed-Bhakti-Yukto Guham Samprannamya |
Sa Putraan-Kalatram Dhanam Diirgham-Aayuh
Labhet-Skanda-Aaayujyam-Ante Narah Sah ||33||
This Hymn which is Arranged and set in Motion in the Bhujanga (Snake-like) Metre, the person who ...
Recites with deep Devotion and Reverentially Bowing before Guha, ...
will get good Spouse and Sons, Wealth and long Life ...
and finally that person will obtain the Sayujya (absorption in the Divine Essence) of Skanda.
In Tamizh
.. 1 ..
ஸதா பாலரூபாபி விக்னாத்ரிஹந்த்ரீ
மஹாதந்தி வக்த்ராபி பஞ்சாஸ்யமான்யா
விதீந்த்ராதிம்ருக்யா கணேசாபிதாமே
விதத்தாம் ச்ரியம் காபி கல்யாண மூர்த்தி1 தீராத இடர் தீர
என்றும் இளமை எழிலன் எனினும்
இடர்மா மலைக்கே இடராவன்
துன்றும் கரிமா முகத்தோன் எனினும்
சிம்ம முகச்சிவன் மகிழ்நேயன்
நன்றே நாடி இந்திரன் பிரமன்
நாடித் தேடும் கணேசனெனும்
ஒன்றே எனக்கு சுபம் திருவும்
உதவும் மங்கள மூர்த்தமதே
.. 2 ..
ந ஜானாமி சப்தம் ந ஜானாமி சார்த்தம்
ந ஜானாமி பத்யம் ந ஜானாமி கத்யம்
சிதேகா ஷடாஸ்யா ஹ்ருதி த்யோததே மே
முகாந்நிஸ்ஸரந்தே கிரஸ்சாபி சித்ரம்
புலமை ஏற்படும்
சொல்லு மறியேன்சுதி அறியேன்
சொற்கள் சுமக்கும் பொருளரியேன்
சொல்லைச் சொல்லும்விதி யறிதேன்
தோய்ந்து சொல்ல நானறியேன்
எல்லை யிலாதோர் ஞான வொளி
இதயத் தமர்ந்து அறுமுகமாய்
சொல்லை வெள்ள மெனப் பெருக்கும்
தோற்றம் கண்டேன் சுடர்கண்டேன்.
.. 3 ..
மயூராதிரூடம் மஹாவாக்ய கூடம்
மனோஹாரிதேஹம் மஹத்சித்த கேஹம்
மஹீதேவதேவம் மஹாவேத பாவம்
மஹாதேவ பாலம் பஜே லோகபா லம்
திருவடி தரிசனம் கிட்டும்
மயில்மீது ஆர்த்து உயர்வாக்கிற் பொதிந்து
மனதை கவரும் உடலான்
பயில்வோர்கள் உள்ளக் குகைக் ஆகாயில் தங்கி
பார்ப்பவர் தெய்வ மானான்
உயிராகும் மறையின் பொருளாகி நின்று
உலகைப் புரக்கும் பெருமான்
கயிலாய மேவும் அரனாரின் செல்வக்
கந்தன் பதம் பணிகுவாம்.
.. 4 ..
யதா ஸந்நிதானம் கதாமானவா மே
பவாம் போதிபாரம் கதாஸ்தே ததைவ
இதி வ்யஞ்ஜயன் ஸிந்து தீரேய ஆஸ்தே
தமீடே பவித்ரம் பராசக்தி புத்ரம்
பிறவிப் பிணி தீரும்
என்றன் சந்நிதி யடையும் மனிதர்
எப்போ தெனினு மப்போதே
இந்தப் பிறவியின் சாகரக் கரையை
எய்திக் களித்தோ ராகின்றார்
மந்தரு மறிய மறையை விளக்கிச்
செந்தில் சாகரக் கரையதனில்
சுந்தரன் சக்தி பாலன் அமர்ந்தான்
தூயன் பாதம் துதிக்கின்றேன்
.. 5 ..
யதாப்தேஸ்தரங்கா லயம் யாந்தி துங்கா
ததைவாபத ஸந்நிதெள ஸேவதாம் மே
இதீவோர்மிபங்தீர் ந்ருணாம் தர்சயந்தம்
ஸதா பாவயே ஹ்ருத்ஸரோஜே குஹம் தம்
போகாத துன்பம் போகும்
கடலில் தோன்றும் அலையும் அழிந்து
காட்சி மறைவது போல்
திடமாய்ச் சந்நிதி சேவித் திடுவார்
தீமை யழிந்து படும்
படமாய் மனதில் பதியச் செய்ய
பரவைக் கரையில் குகன்
இடமே யமர்ந்தான் இதயமலர் மேல்
ஏற்றித் தியானம் செய்கின்றேன்.
.. 6 ..
கிரெள மந்நிவாஸே நரா யேஸ்தி ரூடா
ததா பர்வதே ராஜதே தேஸ்தி ரூடா
இதீவ ப்ருவன் கந்தசைலாதி ரூடா
ஸதேவோ முதேமே ஸதா ஷண்முகோஸ்து
கயிலை தரிசன பலன் கிட்டும்
என்றன் இருக்கை யறிந்தே யெவரும்
இம்மலை ஏறி வரின்
எந்தைக் கயிலை மலை மீதேறும்
இனிய பலன் கொள்வார்
கந்தன் இதனைச் சுட்டிக் காட்டிக்
கந்த மான கிரிமேல்
சிந்தை மகிழ மூவிரு முகமாய்த்
திருக்கொலு வமர்ந்தே யிருக்கட்டும்.
.. 7 ..
மஹாம்போதி தீரே மஹாபாபசோரே
முனீந்த்ரானுகூலே ஸுகந்தாக்யசைலே
குஹாயாம் வஸந்தம் ஸ்வபாஸா லஸந்தம்
ஜனார்திம் ஹரந்தம் ச்ரயாமோ குஹம்தம்
கரையாத பாவம் கரையும்
கொடிதாம் பாவக் குறை நீக்கிடவே
பெரிதாம் கடற் கரையில்
அடியார் தவமே நிறைவே தருமோர்
கந்த மான கிரிமேல்
குடியாம் குகையில் ஒளியின் வடிவாய்
குலவி விளங்கு குகன்
அடியார் மிடிமை கெடவே செய்வான்
அவனைச் சரண மடைகின்றேன்.
.. 8 ..
லஸத்ஸ்வர்ணகேஹே ந்ருணாம் காமதோஹே
ஸுமஸ்தோம ஸஞ்ச்சன்ன மாணிக்ய மஞ்சே
ஸமுத்யஸ் ஸஹஸ்ரார்க துல்ய ப்ரகாசம்
ஸதாபாவயே கார்த்திகேயம் சுரேசம்
மனம் சாந்தியுறும்
மன்னும் இளமை யாயிரம் ஆதவர்
மலரும் காந்தி யுடன்
நன்மலர்க் கொத்துச் சூழ்ந்து மறைக்கும்
இரத்தின மஞ்சமதில்
கன்னிய ரறுவர் போற்றி வளர்த்த
கந்தன் கொலு காணப்
பொன்மயக் குகையில் புகுந்த மாந்தர்
சித்தம் சாந்தி யுறும்.
.. 9 ..
ரணத்தம்ஸகே மஞ்சுளேத்யந்த சோணே
மனோஹாரி லாவண்ய பீயூஷபூர்ணே
மனஷ்ஷட்பதோ மே பவக்லேசதப்த
ஸதா மோததாம் ஸ்கந்த தே பாதபத்மே
புகலிடம் கிட்டும்
மென்மை மிகுந்த கமலத் திருவடி
மேலும் அசையச் சிவப்பாகும்
மன்னும் அழகு மனதைக் கவர்ந்து
மலரின் மேலே குடியேற்றும்
சின்னம் சிறிய வண்டாம் மனது
சிக்கல் பலவும் விட்டேகி
பொன்னால் பாதத் தாமரைச் சார்ந்து
பொலிவு பெற்றே வாழட்டும்.
.. 10 ..
ஸுவர்ணாபதிவ்யாம்பரைர் பாஸமானாம்
க்வணத்கிங்கிணீ மேகலா சோபமானாம்
லஸத்தேம பட்டேன வித்யோதமானாம்
கடிம் பாவயே ஸ்கந்த தே தீப்ய மானாம்
அக இருள் நீங்கும்
பொன்னெனத் திகழும் பூந்துகி லாடை
பொலிவுடன் இடையில் ஒளி துள்ள
மின்னென மணிகள் மெல்லிசை ஒலிக்க
மேகலை இடையைப் பொன்னாத்த
தன்னிக ரில்லா இடையதன் காந்தித்
தன்னொளி ஒன்றை ஏவிவிடும்
நின்னெழில் இடையின் அணியா அழகை
நெஞ்சில் தியானம் செய்கின்றேன்.
.. 11 ..
புளிந்தேச கன்யாக நாபோக துங்க
ஸ்தனாலிங்க நாஸக்த காச்மீரராகம்
நமஸ்யாம்யஹம் தாரகாரே தவோர
ஸ்வபக்தாவனே ஸர்வதா ஸானுராகம்
ஆபத்து விலகும்
வேடவேந்தன் திருமகள் வள்ளி
விரிந்த நகில்கள் மீதயர்ந்த
சேடல் குங்குமச் சேற்றில் தோய்ந்து
திகழும் நின்றன் தடமார்பு
நாடும் அடியர் துன்பம் துடைத்து
நலமே பொங்கச் சிவந்துவிடும்
கோடிய தாரகன் தன்னைக் கடிந்த
குமரன் மார்பைப் போற்றுகிறேன்.
.. 12 ..
விதெளக்லுப்த தண்டான் ஸ்வலீலாத்ருதாண்டான்
நிரஸ்தே பசுண்டான் த்விஷத்காலதண்டான்
ஹதேந்த்ராரிஷண்டான் ஜகத்ராண செளண்டான்
ஸதாதே ப்ரசண்டான் ச்ரயே பாஹுதண்டான்
ப்ரம்ம ஞானம் கிட்டும்
வேதன் தலையில் குட்டிய கை
விண்ணவர் கோனை வாழ்த்தும் கை
வாதனை போக்கும் யமதண்ட மதாய்
வையம் தாங்கும் விளையாட்டாய்
சாதனைக் கரியின் கைபற்றி
தன்மத மடக்கும் நின்னுடைய
காதல் கரங்கள் பன்னி ரெண்டும்
கந்தா என்னைக் காத்திடுக.
.. 13 ..
ஸதா சாரதா ஷண்ம்ருகாங்கா யதி ஸ்யு
ஸமுத்யந்த ஏவ ஸ்திதாச்சேத் ஸமந்தாத்
ஸதா பூர்ணபிம்பா கலங்கைஸ்ச ஹீனா
ததா த்வன்முகானாம் ப்ருவே ஸ்கந்த ஸாம்யம்
தாபங்கள் நீங்கும்
சந்திரர் அறுவர் வான் வெளியில்
சற்றும் களங்க மில்லாமல்
சுந்தரச் சுடர்தான் வீசி யெங்கும்
தோற்றக் குறைவு யேதின்றி
யந்திர மென்னச் சுழன் றாங்கு
என்றும் உதயத் தோற்றமொடு
கந்தா அவைதான் விளங்கினும், நின்
கருணை முகத்திற் கெதிராமோ.
.. 14 ..
ஸ்புரன் மந்தஹாஸை ஸஹம்ஸானி சஞ்சத்
கடாக்ஷாவலீப்ருங்க ஸங்கோ ஜ்வலானி
ஸுதாஸ்யந்தி பிம்பா தராணீச ஸூனோ
தவாலோகயே ஷண்முகாம் போரு ஹாணி
அமுத லாபம் ஏற்படும்
அன்னம் அசைதல் போல் நின் புன்னகை
அழகின் அதரம் அமுதூர
சின்னஞ்சிறிய கொவ்வைப் பழமாய்ச்
சிவந்த உதடும் அழகூர
பன்னிரு கண்கள் வண்டாய் ஊர்ந்து
பவனி கடைசி ஒளியாக
நின்திரு முகங்கள் ஆறும் தாமரை
நிகர்த்தே நிங்கக் காண்கிறேன்.
.. 15 ..
விசாலேஷு கர்ணாந்த தீர்க்கேஷ் வஜஸ்ரம்
தயாஸ்யந்திஷு த்வாதசஸ் வீக்ஷணேஷு
மயீஷத் கடாக்ஷ ஸக்ருத் பாதித ஸ்சேத்
பவேத்தே தயாசீல கா நாமஹானி
கிருபா கடக்ஷம் கிட்டும்
விண்ணிலும் விரிந்த கருணை யதால்
வியத்தகு தயவை அருளுகின்ற
பன்னிரு விழிகள் செவி வரைக்கும்
படர்ந்து இடையீ டேதின்றி
மின்னென அருளைப் பெய் வனவாய
விளங்கு குகனே மனதிறங்கி
என்மீது கடைக் கண் வைத்தால்
ஏது குறைதாந் உனக்கெய்தும்.
.. 16 ..
ஸுதாங்கோத் பவோ மேஸி ஜீவேதி ஷட்தா
ஜபன்மந்த்ரமீசோ முதா ஜிக்ரதே யான்
ஜகத்பாரப்ருத்யோ ஜகந்நாத தேப்ய
கிரீடோஜ்வலேப்யோ நமோ மஸ்தகேப்ய
இஷ்டசித்தி ஏற்படும்
மறைகள் ஆறு முறை யோதி
வாழ்க மகனே என மகிழும்
இறைவன் உடலில் இருந்தே பின்
எழுந்த கந்தா, முத்தாடும்
துறையாய் விளங்கும் நின் சிரங்கள்
திகழும் மகுடத் தோ டுவகை
நிறைவாய்க் காக்கும், சிரங்களையே
நெஞ்சில் தியானம் செய்கின்றேன்.
.. 17 ..
ஸ்புரத்ரத் ன கேயூரஹாராபிராம ..
ஸ்சலத் குண்டல ச்ரீலஸத் கண்டபாக
கடெள பீதவாஸா கரே சாருசக்தி
புரஸ்தான் மமாஸ்தாம் புராரேஸ் தனூஜ
சத்ருபயம் போகும்
இரத்தினத் தோள் வளை ஒளிகதுவ
நல்முத்து மாலை யசைந்தாட
வரத்தில் உயர்ந்த நின் குண்டலங்கள்
வளைந்த கன்னத்தே முத்தாட
திரிபுரத்தை எரித்த சிவக் குமரா,
செந்தில் தலைவா, வேல்தாங்கி
மரகதப் பட்டை இடை யுடுத்தி
வருக என்றன் கண்முன்னே.
.. 18 ..
இஹாயாஹி வத்ஸேதி ஹஸ்தான் ப்ரஸார்யா
ஹவயத்யாதராச் சங்கரே மாதுரங்காத்
ஸமுத்பத்ய தாதம் ச்ரயந்தம் குமாரம்
ஹராஸ்லிஷ்டகாத்ரம் பஜே பாலமூர்த்திம்
ஆனந்தம் ஏற்படும்
வருக குமரா, அரு கெனவே
மகிழ்ந்தே இறைவன் கர மேந்த
பெருகும் சக்திமடி யிருந்தே
பெம்மான் சிவனின் கரம் தாவும்
முருகே, பரமன் மகிழ்ந் தணைக்கும்
முத்தே, இளமை வடிவுடைய
ஒரு சேவகனே, கந்தா, நின்
உபய மலர்த்தாள் தொழுகின்றேன்.
.. 19 ..
குமாரேச ஸூனோ குஹ ஸ்கந்த ஸேனா
பதே சக்தி பாணே மயூரா திரூட
புளிந்தாத்மஜாகாந்த பக்தார்த்தி ஹாரின்
ப்ரபோ தாரகாரே ஸதா ரக்ஷமாம் த்வம்
கர்மவினை தீரும்
குமரா, பரமன் மகிழ் பாலா,
குகனே, கந்தா, சேனாபதியே,
சமரில் சக்தி வேல் கரத்தில்
தாங்கி மயில் மீதூர்பவனே
குமரி வள்ளிக் காதலா, எம்
குறைகள் தீர்க்கும் வேலவனே,
அமரில் தாரகன் தனை யழித்தாய்
அடியன் என்னைக் காத்திடுக.
.. 20 ..
ப்ரசாந்தேந்த்ரியே நஷ்டஸம்க்ஞே விசேஷ்டே
கபோத்காரி வக்த்ரே பயோத்கம்பி காத்ரே
ப்ரயாணோன்முகே மய்யநாதே ததானீம்
த்ருதம் மே தயாளோ பவாக்ரே குஹத்வம்
திவ்ய தரிசனம் கிட்டும்
தயவே காட்டும் தன்மை யனே
தங்கக் குகையில் வாழ்பவனே,
மயங்கி ஐந்து புலன் ஒடுங்கி
வாயில் கபமே கக்கிடவும்
பயந்து நடுங்கிப் பயண மெனப்
பாரை விட்டுப் புறப்படவே
அயர்ந்து கிடக்கும் போதென் முன்
ஆறுமுகா, நீ தோன்றுகவே.
.. 21 ..
க்ருதாந்தஸ்ய தூதேஷு சண்டேஷுகோபா
த்தஹச்சின்தி பிந்தீதி மாம் தர்ஜயத்ஸு
மயூரம் ஸமாருஹ்ய மாபைரிதி த்வம்
புர சக்திபாணிர் மமாயாஹி சீக்ரம்
எமபயம் தீரும்
காலப் படர்கள் சினம்கொண்டு
கட்டு வெட்டு குத்தென்று
ஓலமிட்டே அதட்டி என்முன்
உயிரைக் கவர வரும்போது
கோல மயில் மேல் புறப்பட்டு
குமரா சக்தி வேலோடு
பாலன் என்முன் நீ வந்து
பயமேன் என்னத் தோன்றுகவே.
.. 22 ..
ப்ரணம்யா ஸக்ருத் பாதயோஸ்தே பதித்வா
ப்ரஸாத்ய ப்ரபோ ப்ரார்த்தயேனேக வாரம்
நவக்தும் க்ஷமோஹம் ததானீம் க்ருபாப்தே
நகார்யாந்தகாலே மனாகப்யுபேக்ஷா
அபயம் கிட்டும்
கருணை மிகுமோர் பெருங் கடலே
கந்தா நின்னைத் தொழுகின்றேன்
அருமைமிகு நின் பொன்னொளி சேர்
அடியில் நானும் விழுகின்றேன்.
எருமைக் காலன் வரும் போதென்
எந்தப் புலனும் பேசாது
அருகே வந்து காத்திட நீ
அசட்டை செய்ய லாகாது.
.. 23 ..
ஸஹஸ்ராண்ட போக்தா த்வயா ஸூரநாமா
ஹதஸ்தாரக ஸிம்ஹவக்த்ரச்ச தைத்ய
மமாந்தர் ஹ்ருதிஸ்தம் மன க்லேசமேகம்
ந ஹம்ஸி ப்ரபோ கிம் கரோமி க்வயாமி23 கவலை தீரும்
அண்ட மனைத்தும் வென் நங்கே
ஆண்ட சூர பதுமனையும்
மண்ணுள் மண்ணாய்த் தாரகனை
மாயன் சிம்ம முகத்தனையும்
தண்டித் தவனும் நீ யான்றோ
தமியேன் மனதில் புகந்திங்கே
ஒண்டிக் கிடக்கும் கவலையெனும்
ஒருவனக் கொல்லுத லாகாதோ?
.. 24 ..
அஹம் ஸர்வதா துக்கபாரா வஸந்நோ
பவான் தீனபந்து ஸ்த்வதன்யம் நயாசே
பவத்பக்தி ரோதம் ஸதா க்லுப்த பாதம்
மமாதிம் த்ருதம் நாசயோமா ஸுதத்வம்
.. 25 ..
அபஸ்மார குஷ்ட க்ஷயார்ச ப்ரமேஹ
ஜ்வரோன்மாத குல்மாதிரோஹான் மஹாந்த
பிசாசாஸ்ச ஸர்வே பவத் பத்ர பூதிம்
விலோக்ய க்ஷணாத் தார காரே த்ரவந்தே
24 & 25 மனநோய் போகும்
துன்பச் சுமையால் தவிக்கிறேன்
சொல்ல முடியா தழுகின்றேன்
அன்பைச் சொரியும் தீனருக் கிங்
கருளும் கருணைப் பெருவாழ்வே
உன்னை நாடித் தொழு வதால்
ஊமை, நானோர் மாற்றறியேன்
நின்னைத் தொழவுடு தடை செய்யும்
நெஞ்சின் நோவைப் போக்கிடுவாய்.
25 - - -
கொடிய பிணிகள் அபஸ் மாரம்
குஷ்டம் க்ஷயமும் மூலமொடு
விடியா மேகம் சுரம் பைத்யம்
வியாதி குன்மமென நோய்கள்
கொடிய பிசாசைப் போன்ற வைகள்
குமரா உன்நன் திருநீறு
மடித்த இலையை பார்த்த வுடன்
மாயம் போலப் பறந்திடுமே
.. 26 ..
த்ருசி ஸ்கந்த மூர்த்தி ச்ருதெள ஸ்கந்தகீர்த்தி
முகே மே பவித்ரம் ஸதா தச்சரித்ரம்
கரே தஸ்ய க்ருத்யம் வபுஸ்தஸ்ய ப்ருத்யம்
குஹே ஸந்து லீனா மமாசேஷ பாவா
சராணாகதி பலன் கிட்டும்
கண்கள் முருகன் தனைக் காணக்
காதும் புகழைக் கேட்கட்டும்
பண்ணை வாயிங் கார்க் கட்டும்
பாதத்தை கரமும் பற்றட்டும்
எண்சாண் உடலும் குற்றேவல்
எல்லாம் செய்து வாழட்டும்
கண்ணாம் முருகைப் புலன்க ளெலாம்
கலந்து மகிழ்ந்து குலவட்டும்.
.. 27 ..
முனீனா முதாஹோ ந்ருணாம் பக்தி பாஜா
மபீஷ்டப்ரதா ஸந்தி ஸர்வத்ர தேவா
ந்ருணாமந்த்ய ஜாநாமபி ஸ்வார்த்ததானே
குஹாத்தைவமன்யம் நஜானே நஜானே
வரம் தரும் வள்ளல்
முனிவர் பக்தர் மனிதர்கட்கே
முன்னே வந்து வரமளிக்கும்
தனித் தனி தேவர் பற் பலர்கள்
தாரணி யெங்கும் இருக்கின்றார்
மனிதரில் ஈன மனி தருக்கும்
மனம்போல் வரமே நல்கிடவே
கனிவுடைக் கடவுள் கந்த னன்று
கருணை வடிவைக் காண்கிலனே.
.. 28 ..
களத்ரம் ஸுதா பந்துவர்க பசுர்வா
நரோவாத நாரீ க்ருஹே யே மதீயா
யஜந்தோ நமந்த ஸ்துவந்தோ பவந்தம்
ஸ்மரன் தஸ்ச்ச தே ஸந்து ஸர்வே குமார
குடும்பம் இன்புறும்
மக்கள் மனைவி சுற்றம் பசு
மற்ற உறவினர் அனை வோரும்
இக்கணத் தென்னுடன் வசித்திடு வோர்
யாவரும் ஒன்றே லட்சியமாய்
சிக்கெனப் பற்றி நின் திருவடியைச்
சேவிக்கும் தன்மை தருவாய் நீ
குக்குடக் கொடி யோய் செந்தில் வாழ்
குமரா எமக்குக் கதிநீயே.
.. 29 ..
ம்ருகா பக்ஷிணோ தம்சகாயே சதுஷ்டா
ததா வ்யாதயோ பாதகா யே மதங்கே
பவச்சக்தி தீக்ஷ்ணாக்ர பின்னா ஸுதூரே
விநச்யந்து தே சூர்ணித க்ரெளஞ்ச சைல
விஷம், நோய் போகும்
கொடிய மிருகம் கடும் பறவை
கொட்டும் பூச்சி போலென்றன்
கடிய உடலில் தோன்றி வுடன்
கட்டி வருத்தும் நோயினையே
நெடிய உன்றன் வேல் கொண்டு
நேராய் பிளந்து தூளாக்கு
முடியாம் க்ரெளஞ்ச கிரி பிளந்த
முருகா வருக, முன் வருக
.. 30 ..
ஜநித்ரீ பிதாச ஸ்வபுத்ரா பராதம்
ஸஹேதே ந கிம் தேவசேனாதி நாத
அஹம் சாதிபாலோ பவான் லோக தாத
க்ஷமஸ்வாபராதம் ஸமஸ்தம் மஹேச
குற்றம் குறை தீரும்
பெற்ற குழந்தை பிழை பொறுக்கும்
பெற்றோர் உலகில் உண்டன்றோ
உற்ற தேவர் தம் தலைவா,
ஒப்பில் சக்தி யுடையானே
நற்ற வத்தின் தந்தாய் நீ
நாயேன் நாளும் செய் கின்ற
குற்றம் யாவும் பொறுத் தென்னைக்
குறை யில்லாமல் காத்தருள்க.
.. 31 ..
நம கேகினே சக்தயே சாபி துப்யம்
நமச்சாக துப்யம் நம குக்குடாய
நம ஸிந்தவே ஸிந்து தேசாய துப்யம்
புன ஸ்கந்த மூர்த்தே நமஸ்தே நமோஸ்து
ஆனந்தப் பெருமிதம்
இனிமை காட்டும் மயிலுக்கும்
இறைவன் ஊர்ந்த ஆட்டிற்கும்
தனி மெய் ஒளிகொள் வேலுக்கும்
தாங்கும் சேவற் கொடியுடனே
இனிதாம் கடலின் கரையினிலே
இலங்குச் செந்தில் நகருக்கும்
கனியும் நின்றன் அடிகட்கும்
கந்தா வணக்கம் வணக்கமதே.
.. 32 ..
ஜயாநந்த பூமன் ஜயாபார தாமன்
ஜயாமோக கீர்த்தே ஜயாநந்த மூர்த்தே
ஜயாநந்த ஸிந்தோ ஜயாசேஷபந்தோ
ஜயத்வம் ஸதாமுக்திதானேசஸூனோ
வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
ஆனந்த மூர்த்திக்கு வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
அளவற்ற சோதிக்கு வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
வான்புகழ் மூர்த்திக்கு வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
வையக நாயகர்க்கு வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
தீனரின் காவலர்க்கு வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
திகழ்முத்தி தருபவர்க்கு வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
மோ னசிவன் புதல் வர்க்கு வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
முருகனுக்கு என்றென்றும் வெற்றி கூறுவோம்
.. 33 ..
புஜங்காக்யவ்ருத்தேன க்லுப்தம் ஸ்தவம் ய
படேத் பக்தியுக்தோ குஹம் ஸம்ப்ரணம்ய
ஸபுத்ரான் களத்ரம் தனம் தீர்கமாயுர்
லபேத் ஸ்கந்தஸாயுஜ்யமந்தே நரஸ்ஸ
எந்த மனிதன் பக்தி யுடன்
எழிலார் புஜங்க விருத்த மதை
சிந்தை கனிந்து படித் திடிலோ
செல்வம் கீர்த்தி ஆயுளுடன்
சுந்தர மனைவி புத்தி ரர்கள்
சூழ ஆண்டு பல வாழ்ந்து
கந்தன் பதத்தை அடைந் திடுவார்.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
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